They Don't Support the Troops


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Oct 14, 2005
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They Don't Support the Troops, Part XXXIV
by Lisa De Pasquale — 07-20-2006

It was reported today that a deployed soldier's family was brutally murdered in a town outside Seattle, Washington. Army National Guard Sgt. Leonid Milkin's wife, their two children and his sister-in-law were stabbed multiple times before their house was set on fire to cover up the murders, authoriries believe. Sgt. Milkin has been granted emergency leave from duty in Iraq.

After reading about this tragedy, I clicked on the link for reader comments. I wasn't prepared for the disgusting comments from anti-war lunatics. Many on the Left purport to "support the troops" even though they disagree with the war. Here's what they say under the anonymity of the internet when the cameras aren't rolling:

Maybe he signed up for the wrong profession because who in their right mind would want to be a army man? He should have studied harder in school and found a real job instead of joining the army. Lmao , be all u can be? Don't patronize me ! People who join the army either have no education or come from small towns.. He should blame himself for his family dying due to his lack of education.

Too bad the paid assasin wasn't home also... Got what he deserved for serving an illegal government in an illegal war.


The p***k bush has cut funds to lock away the lunatics, just to pay for his illegal war. May the same fate await the evil bu:q:q:q:qes.......they are evil and will be treated as such. They, the pig bu:q:q:q:qes, are truly the enemies of America!

Bush and republicans put them both in harms way..........If he had been home this would have never happened....instead he is risking his life for another republican lost cause....

MOre Deaths indirectly caused by Geroge W. BUSH!!!! If he didnt lie to start a war.....and the husband was at home, the people would all be alive. The was is for Halleburton, Exxon MObile, and all the other members of the Industrial military complex, who ar to benefit by this war. THANKS BUSH, hope you can sleep nights... But people without a conscious dont have trouble sleeping...I guess.

For more on the vitriolic hate that comes from the Left, check out Michelle Malkin's Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild

UPDATE 7/21/06: Michelle Malkin has information on the memorial fund for Sgt. Milkin's family:
A memorial fund has been set by the family at US Bank under the name "Kirkland House Fire Victims." Also, the Washington National Guard set up a financial assistance fund in Leonid Milkin's name at the American Lake Credit Union in Camp Murray. The account number is 13743:

Camp Murray Branch
Camp Murray, Bldg. 16
Tacoma, WA 98430
Voice: 253-582-3831
Voice: 800-228-2377
Fax: 253-582-1320
It's interesting. You don't see this kind of hate from the right. Even Ann Coulter's scathing sarcasm has humor laced in it. This is pure hate and meanness.
And cue the moderate Democrat, like Deville, who will say he doesn't like those people either and has nothing in common with them... completely and blissfully unaware that those are the people who are controlling the direction and agenda of the DNC.
Calabrio said:
And cue the moderate Democrat, like Deville, who will say he doesn't like those people either and has nothing in common with them... completely and blissfully unaware that those are the people who are controlling the direction and agenda of the DNC.

Moderate = wishy-washy.
...well, in this case, the way I was using it, I meant "sane" and not "America hating."
fossten said:
It's interesting. You don't see this kind of hate from the right. Even Ann Coulter's scathing sarcasm has humor laced in it. This is pure hate and meanness.

Bull:q:q:q:q, plain and simple.
July 11, 2006
Oh, And Just In Case You Were Still Busy Thinking About Winning Their Hearts and Minds
Filed under: Religion of Pus, Useless Swine

…LC & IB Rusty Shackleford has graphic updates and evidence of what the “Religion of Peace (My Increasingly Homicidal Ass)” did to PFCs Menchaca and Tucker. You see, the animals that we’re not supposed to inconvenience in any shape, form or fashion, the worthless, disease-ridden subhuman slime that our Supreme Whores just saw fit to endow with all of the protections of the Geneva Conventions, just released a video of what they did to prisoners they’d taken.

(WARNING: You do NOT want to click the above link if you’re in any way inclined to acts of rage and violence and most CERTAINLY not if you’ve got any loaded firearms nearby).

But if you do choose to click the link, and let it be noted that there is more than enough empty space inserted in the post for you to read it all without having to proceed to the images at the bottom, please, when you’re done taking deep breaths and counting slowly to ten (or a thousand, which might be a better idea in this case), please remember the following:

Our Supreme Court recently decided that the animals who commited those gruesome atrocities against helpless, unarmed prisoners, are entitled to every protection under the Geneva Conventions, including the protections of articles that our legislative branch never ratified, including protection against being “humiliated” in any fashion, “humiliation” to be defined later by our unelected, dictatorial judiciary branch, no doubt.

Of course, this is the same Supreme Court that earlier decided in Kelo that private property rights only matter as long as a private company doesn’t offer a better deal, above or below the table, to local authorities, so one shouldn’t really be surprised. The unelected, black-robed tyrants have a long history of not giving a fig about the Constitution if they don’t like what it says, not to mention a long tradition of usurping the powers of the legislative and executive branch by ruling by judicial fiat.

“Separate but equal” be damned.

So keep that in mind. Should we ever make the mistake of capturing any of the perpetrators of the war crime against PFCs Menchaca and Tucker alive, we can forget about interrogating them in order to catch the rest, according to the Supreme Whores. Well, unless they’re willing to give up information if we ask “pretty please?”, since anything other than that has been deemed illegal by those blackrobed tyrants. Are we exaggerating? Try doing anything to those mutilating darlings of the Supremes in order to extract life-saving intel from them, and then wait for the Supreme Whores to decide that you were “humiliating” them in doing so.

Five ropes, five robes, five trees.

Some assembly required.

Until then, here’s the message to our troops overseas: Shoot to kill, don’t bother taking prisoners. The Supreme Court has decided that they’re actively on the other side, so the only thing we’re likely to get from NOT shooting the koranimal swine is a bill for hosting their stay in Gitmo. Until the Supreme Whores decide that that’s against some penumbra of an emanation of Miss Cleo’s crystal ball as well, that is, at which point they’ll probably decide that we owe the hadjis a few million bucks in compensation as well.

____________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
And there is plenty more out there like this idiotic trash. The right has just as many if not more lunatics posting their hate filled diatribes online!!
What's your point, elaborate.

How does taking of the kid gloves when dealing with terrorist relate to the hate speech directed at American soldiers?

What person, who was born with the good sense of self-preservation, wouldn't support the death of terrorist plotting to blow up our cities or kill civilian populations.
Calabrio said:
And cue the moderate Democrat, like Deville, who will say he doesn't like those people either and has nothing in common with them... completely and blissfully unaware that those are the people who are controlling the direction and agenda of the DNC.

See, that's what gets me... You considered what a few individuals post on a website as being the Democrate manifesto incarnate. Who are these people? Are they adults? Are they legally sane? Are they right wing wacko a-holes trying trolling on that leftist website?
fossten said:
It's interesting. You don't see this kind of hate from the right. Even Ann Coulter's scathing sarcasm has humor laced in it. This is pure hate and meanness.

Huh... So by that rational, if the KKK (or any other racist hate group) predominately exist in Red states and the vast majority of it's members if not all are conservative minded people, it's safe to say all Republicans & Conservatives hate blacks, Jews and any non-whites and wish for the return of segregation. Amazing way to look at things.:rolleyes:
Calabrio said:
What's your point, elaborate.

How does taking of the kid gloves when dealing with terrorist relate to the hate speech directed at American soldiers?

What person, who was born with the good sense of self-preservation, wouldn't support the death of terrorist plotting to blow up our cities or kill civilian populations.

Point is, this right wing blog spot is calling for the asassination of Supreme court justices because he disagrees with their ruling. And there are plenty more out there that are just as radical in their spewings. That kind of talk is dangerous no matter which side it comes from because there are plenty of people out there who are gullible enough to act on it (need proof? just look at how many were fooled by Shrub and voted for him:) ).
95DevilleNS said:
Huh... So by that rational, if the KKK (or any other racist hate group) predominately exist in Red states and the vast majority of it's members if not all are conservative minded people, it's safe to say all Republicans & Conservatives hate blacks, Jews and any non-whites and wish for the return of segregation. Amazing way to look at things.:rolleyes:


I'm not impressed by your straw man examples. They are absurd.
97silverlsc said:
Point is, this right wing blog spot is calling for the asassination of Supreme court justices because he disagrees with their ruling. And there are plenty more out there that are just as radical in their spewings. That kind of talk is dangerous no matter which side it comes from because there are plenty of people out there who are gullible enough to act on it (need proof? just look at how many were fooled by Shrub and voted for him:) ).

No denying there are irrationals on all sides of every issue. But these examples I provide aren't isolated. They aren't rare. And they are organized and extemely well funded, so much so they are taking control of the Democrat party.

Don't believe me? Explain why Howard Dean was named DNC head? Because he appeals to these loons and, the idea was, he'd be able to successful fundraise. had a huge impact on the last election- good and bad.

Isolated voices can be marginalized. But the volume are regularity of these comments on the left can not be ignored, ESPECIALLY by those of you who are identified with them. They are defining your party, they are defining your political parties platform.
95DevilleNS said:
Huh... So by that rational, if the KKK (or any other racist hate group) predominately exist in Red states and the vast majority of it's members if not all are conservative minded people, it's safe to say all Republicans & Conservatives hate blacks, Jews and any non-whites and wish for the return of segregation. Amazing way to look at things.:rolleyes:

If the KKK was embraced by a political party.
And the KKK made up a significant portion of the political parties contributions.
If the KKK had the ability to profoundly influence the platform and policies advanced by a political party....
then it would be safe to say that that party hated.

Since the Repulican party formally and publically denounces the KKK, they don't accept campaign contributions from the KKK, and there aren't any KKK members running for national office as a Republican, your analogy doesn't work.

However, Democrats do all of these things with the rabid left and socialists in this country.
fossten said:

I'm not impressed by your straw man examples. They are absurd.

As our your examples...

See my response below to Calabrio of what you're doing and it is not honest.
Calabrio said:
If the KKK was embraced by a political party.
And the KKK made up a significant portion of the political parties contributions.
If the KKK had the ability to profoundly influence the platform and policies advanced by a political party....
then it would be safe to say that that party hated.

Since the Repulican party formally and publically denounces the KKK, they don't accept campaign contributions from the KKK, and there aren't any KKK members running for national office as a Republican, your analogy doesn't work.

However, Democrats do all of these things with the rabid left and socialists in this country.

Your statement would work if ALL Democrats did as you say, but they do not; you're blanketing the majority of a group by the actions of a few.
95DevilleNS said:
Your statement would work if ALL Democrats did as you say, but they do not; you're blanketing the majority of a group by the actions of a few.

No, I'm commenting on a specific segment of group. I'm also pointing out that while they do not constitute the majority of classic Democrat voters, they are increasingly become the guiding force within the Democrat party. Controling both fundraising and policy.

I'm not say 40% of the country are like these hatefull scum. I'm saying that these hateful scum have taken over your party. If you continue to turn a blind or ignorantly blissful eye to it, you will have no party left.

The Democrat parties agenda is becoming increasingly radicalized, it's because of these people.

They are not conservative trolls, they are not isolated aye-holes. Have you checked out ANY of the liberal websites yet? DailyKos is not a fringe sight. DemocratUnderground is not considered a radical website, and is a hugely influencial organization that directly shapes the agenda of the Democrat party.

You're party is leaving you. You're party is foresaking the country in pursuit of this radical agenda. You guys need to notice them and purge them, you can only blame your electoral loss on "fixed Diebold voting machines" for so long. Eventually you need to acknowledge why you're not winning elections.
You watch: Lieberman is going to win his Senate election after losing the primary by going Independent. When that happens, look for other (few but remaining) moderate Democrats to do the same thing. There will eventually be a 3 party system, with the Independents drawing RINOs and MODDEMs and the Dem party becoming the LEFTY party.

95DevilleNS said:
Your statement would work if ALL Democrats did as you say, but they do not; you're blanketing the majority of a group by the actions of a few.

An additional note- the decisions and opinion of the regular voter don't matter in this. I'm talking about the political leadership. And those guys are betraying you.

I might take issue with things that the Republicans do, but by and large, I stand behind the platform. Idealized, it does represent what I believe. The effectiveness to which is is implemented is sometimes in doubt, but that's not important at the moment.

What is it that the Democrat party stands for example?

Who is defining the platform? Who is guiding that party? I follow politics. I've studied politics. I can tell you, it's not guys like Deville at the helm.

I contend that that party doesn't represent you at all anymore Deville. You're party was quietly hijacked decades ago and they've been gradually pushing the country to a destructive extreme, unrepresentative of the population.
Calabrio said:
An additional note- the decisions and opinion of the regular voter don't matter in this. I'm talking about the political leadership. And those guys are betraying you.

I might take issue with things that the Republicans do, but by and large, I stand behind the platform. Idealized, it does represent what I believe. The effectiveness to which is is implemented is sometimes in doubt, but that's not important at the moment.

What is it that the Democrat party stands for example?

Who is defining the platform? Who is guiding that party? I follow politics. I've studied politics. I can tell you, it's not guys like Deville at the helm.

I contend that that party doesn't represent you at all anymore Deville. You're party was quietly hijacked decades ago and they've been gradually pushing the country to a destructive extreme, unrepresentative of the population.

I have to agree with that virtually line by line.

Deville, you strike me as a rank-and-file Democrat. As such, you are not represented by your party anymore. I have a question for you:

Would JFK be a Democrat today?

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