They were Christian missionaries and we killed them all


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Religion of peace, my ass.
The execution-style killings of 10 people working for a Christian medical team in a remote region of northern Afghanistan fit into Taliban insurgents’ stated shift in tactics: Target Western civilians, especially Christians, as “foreign invaders.”

The Taliban took credit for one of the deadliest attacks yet on aid workers in Afghanistan, saying the Christian charity workers were proselytizing to poor villagers – a charge that the International Assistance Mission, which dispatched the team, denies.
The bodies of six Americans, a Briton, a German, and two Afghan interpreters were discovered Friday in a forested part of Badakhshan Province in remote northern Afghanistan – until now considered a relatively peaceful region known mostly to adventure travelers. The only person in the party not killed was a local translator who offered proof he was a Muslim by quoting the Koran, according to the Associated Press.

The attack represents the largest single toll of American civilian deaths in Afghanistan since December, when a suicide bomber killed seven members of a CIA team. It also points to the operational viability of Taliban insurgents’ stated intent to target foreign aid workers as combatants.
You spend all kinds of time and money to help some people out without expecting anything in return and jack ass decides to blow you up. How backwards and demented are these people.

"You get more flies with honey than vinegar"
Those were just "extremists" and in no way to do they represent the 'true faith'- at least as it is defined by secular Westerners who just think that it's basically the same as Christianity with some of the names changed and an extra chapter or something....

And, to be fair, I'm sure those Muslims considered offering them a brief opportunity renounce their Christian God and submit to them as slaves, but simply decided against it, based upon the Islamic teaching of "slay them where you find them" because EVERYTHING that threatens Islam, including missionaries, is considered a threat to Islam and justifies violent, defensive response like this.
just like that ass hole mother :q:q:q:qer in Texas who didn't like the fact that his daughters were dating non-Muslims and thought it necessary to pump them full of lead...cause it was the honorable thing to do.
no no no no no no no no ....
Islam is a peaceful religion and very tolerant.
It's also very forward thinking, treating women very well... it even says that you shouldn't strike them in the face.

Those people that engage in honor killing or support Sharia law just don't understand it, they need to talk to a Manhattan liberal.
or how about the lady, pregnant lady, who got flogged because they thought she was an adulterous

Completely isolated incidence.
And so is this...

'Shaming' her in-laws costs 19 year old her nose, ears

"When they cut off my nose and ears, I passed out," 19-year-old Bibi Aisha of Afghanistan says with chilling candor.

Her beauty is still stunning and her confidence inspiring. It takes a moment for the barbaric act committed against her to register in your mind and sight.

Wearing her patterned scarf and with roughly painted nails she shares her story.

"It felt like there was cold water in my nose, I opened my eyes and I couldn't even see because of all the blood," she remembers.

It was an act of Taliban justice for the crime of shaming her husband's family.

This story began when Aisha was just 8 years old.

Her father had promised her hand in marriage, along with that of her baby sister's, to another family in a practice called "baad."

"Baad" in Pashtunwali, the law of the Pashtuns, is a way to settle a dispute between rival families.

At 16, she was handed over to her husband's father and 10 brothers, who she claims were all members of the Taliban in Oruzgan province. Aisha didn't even meet her husband because he was off fighting in Pakistan.

"I spent two years with them and became a prisoner," she says. (Watch more of the interview with Aisha)

Tortured and abused, she couldn't take it any longer and decided to run away. Two female neighbors promising to help took her to Kandahar province.

But this was just another act of deception.

When they arrived to Kandahar her female companions tried to sell Aisha to another man.

All three women were stopped by the police and imprisoned. Aisha was locked up because she was a runaway. And although running away is not a crime, in places throughout Afghanistan it is treated as one if you are a woman.

A three-year sentence was reduced to five months when President Hamid Karzai pardoned Aisha. But eventually her father-in-law found her and took her back home.

That was the first time she met her husband. He came home from Pakistan to take her to Taliban court for dishonoring his family and bringing them shame.

The court ruled that her nose and ears must be cut off. An act carried out by her husband in the mountains of Oruzgan where they left her to die.

But she survived.

And with the help of an American Provincial Reconstruction Team in Oruzgan and the organization Women for Afghan Women (WAW), she is finally getting the help and protection she needs.

Offers have been pouring in to help Aisha, but there are many more women suffering in silence.

The United Nations estimates that nearly 90 percent of Afghanistan's women suffer from some sort of domestic abuse. This in a country where there are only about eight women's shelters to provide sanctuary from the cruelty they face. And all of the eight are privately run.

"Bibi Aisha is only one example of thousands of girls and women in Afghanistan and throughout the world who are treated this way - who suffer abuses like this, like this and worse," says board member for WAW, Esther Hyneman.

In 2001, the situation of Afghan women and Taliban brutality received plenty of attention. Now organizations like WAW say the international community is strangely silent on the issue.

Hyneman says not enough is being done to help the women in Afghanistan and that feeds into the hands of the insurgency.

"When you have ... 50 percent of a population on their knees, it's very easy for extremists, tyrants to take over a country," she adds. "They have a ready-made enslaved population."

Aisha is reminded of that enslavement every time she looks in the mirror.

But there still times she can laugh. And at that moment you see her teenage spirit escaping a body that has seen a lifetime of injustice.

– This story is part of CNN's Impact Your World project.
....I was being very cynical, but let's get the thread back into the realm of the rational...
It is absurd to discuss "nuking" anyone.

In fact, absurd is the wrong word, it's ignorant and ventures into the realm of evil.
But without even venturing into the ethics or catastrophic geo-political consequences of it- THERE IS NO TARGET TO NUKE.

Let's really be clear, when you say "nuke 'em," what you're actually saying, probably without knowing it, is that you're in favor of some sort of genocide and world war.
That's not a good place to be.
....I was being very cynical, but let's get the thread back into the realm of the rational...
It is absurd to discuss "nuking" anyone.

In fact, absurd is the wrong word, it's ignorant and ventures into the realm of evil.
But without even venturing into the ethics or catastrophic geo-political consequences of it- THERE IS NO TARGET TO NUKE.

Let's really be clear, when you say "nuke 'em," what you're actually saying, probably without knowing it, is that you're in favor of some sort of genocide and world war.
That's not a good place to be.
Nuking is only practical when there is an actual target.

But I disagree with you about the world war - Islam is at war with the rest of the world, and is trying to dominate. We need to be willing to fight them at every level. Let's start with the Saudis, the Syrians, and Iran and go from there.
....I was being very cynical, but let's get the thread back into the realm of the rational...
It is absurd to discuss "nuking" anyone.

In fact, absurd is the wrong word, it's ignorant and ventures into the realm of evil.
But without even venturing into the ethics or catastrophic geo-political consequences of it- THERE IS NO TARGET TO NUKE.

Let's really be clear, when you say "nuke 'em," what you're actually saying, probably without knowing it, is that you're in favor of some sort of genocide and world war.
That's not a good place to be.

I'm gonna quote you because I am surprised with how much I agree with your sentiments here.
So, when extremists kill someone, the whole religion is at fault? OK, obviously all christians are bigots who kill black people and gays.
Retarded post. :rolleyes:

They were killed because they were not muslims. That's what Islam teaches.

Show me examples of actual Christians killing black people and gays, attacking other religions and beheading infidels who are in this country as doctors trying to help the sick. Then, show me where this is taught in Christian schools like it is in muslim schools. Then, show me where Jesus or Paul taught this like Mohammed did. Then, show me where pastors are teaching this across the nation like imams are.

Then, tell me what these names have in common. (Hint: They're not Christians)

Khalid Almihdhar

Majed Moqed

Nawaf Alhazmi

Salem Alhazmi

Hani Hanjour

Satam M.A. Al Suqami

Waleed M. Alshehri

Wail M. Alshehri

Mohamed Atta

Abdulaziz Alomari

Marwan Al-Shehhi

Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad

Ahmed Alghamdi

Hamza Alghamdi

Mohand Alshehri

Saeed Alghamdi

Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi

Ahmed Alnami

Ziad Samir Jarrah



So, when extremists kill someone, the whole religion is at fault? OK, obviously all christians are bigots who kill black people and gays.

Where did Christ ever teach that people should be murdered on the basis of their skin pigmentation or sexual orientation? Because you can't.

If a Muslim individual jumps the subway turnstile, that isn't an indictment of their religion. That's not something done in the name of religion, the action isn't consistent with Islamic tenant or principle. It's the action of an individual. Just like the random act of violence you are trying to correlate with Christianity.

But let me ask you this, how do you define "extremist."
Are those just the ones that blow up Sbaros Pizza and discos?
Or do only "extremists" support Sharia law?

Because, the story that accompanies the picture I posted explains how the Sharia court assigned the punishment inflicted upon that poor girl.

I stated all of this before, but when you delve into Islam, you're going to find that viewing the actions of the culture with a Western perspective doesn't work and will lead you to ascribe motivations and rational to it that are completely wrong.

And just as I ask how do you define "extremist," you really should also be able to answer who the "moderate" muslims are. What makes them moderate? Is it because they REJECT all of evil within the Koran? Is it because they reject the slavery, servitude, forced humiliation, military expansion, and subjugation of women?
And if they do that, is it even still Islam? That's kind of like being a Christian, but getting rid of all that stuff about Easter.

I issued a challenge to you earlier, you don't appear to have responded to it.
I think we both can recognize that humans are imperfect and that individuals will inevitably corrupt things in the pursuit of their own power. Because of this, I think the best way to compare a religion is to compare the idealized individuals that the religions aspire to. In this case, the respective profits of each religion, Christ and Mohamed.

Do you know anything about Mohamed as a person and what he actually taught?

Again, the fundamental problem with Islam is at the foundation.
Reformation can't fix that.
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They will surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13
Show me examples of actual Christians killing black people and gays, attacking other religions and beheading infidels who are in this country as doctors trying to help the sick.

You mean show you where people other than you are advocating killing muslims because they happen to have a different religion? Ok, are you familiar with the past nearly 2000 years? Or are you prepared to make the absurd claim that no christians, christian groups, or christian churches in the past 2000 years have committed atrocities? I guess the crusades and spanish inquisition were both myths. Hitler obviously never went to church, nor did he believe he was doing god's work by purifying the Aryan race. The KKK was definitely not founded as an organization for veterans of the civil war who were against black freedom, northern supremacy, and the spread of non-protestant religion... Hell, Christians must not have been killing Jews for being Jews since the time of Constantine the first. Should I list more things christians have not done?

Then, show me where pastors are teaching this across the nation like imams are.

Westboro baptist church for starters?
yes but how many people actually follow that law

They wanted to know where the bible advocated the killing of homosexuals. I'm wondering if they want some slavery references too, or perhaps some about the servitude of women.
Where did Christ ever teach that people should be murdered on the basis of their skin pigmentation or sexual orientation? Because you can't.

If a Muslim individual jumps the subway turnstile, that isn't an indictment of their religion. That's not something done in the name of religion, the action isn't consistent with Islamic tenant or principle. It's the action of an individual. Just like the random act of violence you are trying to correlate with Christianity.

But let me ask you this, how do you define "extremist."
Are those just the ones that blow up Sbaros Pizza and discos?
Or do only "extremists" support Sharia law?

Because, the story that accompanies the picture I posted explains how the Sharia court assigned the punishment inflicted upon that poor girl.

I stated all of this before, but when you delve into Islam, you're going to find that viewing the actions of the culture with a Western perspective doesn't work and will lead you to ascribe motivations and rational to it that are completely wrong.

And just as I ask how do you define "extremist," you really should also be able to answer who the "moderate" muslims are. What makes them moderate? Is it because they REJECT all of evil within the Koran? Is it because they reject the slavery, servitude, forced humiliation, military expansion, and subjugation of women?
And if they do that, is it even still Islam? That's kind of like being a Christian, but getting rid of all that stuff about Easter.

I issued a challenge to you earlier, you don't appear to have responded to it.
I think we both can recognize that humans are imperfect and that individuals will inevitably corrupt things in the pursuit of their own power. Because of this, I think the best way to compare a religion is to compare the idealized individuals that the religions aspire to. In this case, the respective profits of each religion, Christ and Mohamed.

Do you know anything about Mohamed as a person and what he actually taught?

Again, the fundamental problem with Islam is at the foundation.
Reformation can't fix that.

Yes, I do know about Mohamed and what he taught. Many of those lessons are products of the culture in the area that has existed since long before his time. I have read the Koran too, cover to cover. Have a copy in my closet along with the enormous copy of the King James bible. Funny thing, I was married in a Lutheran church the first time I got married, but was given copies of the Koran, King James Bible, and the book of Morman. My jewish friends gave us cookware and a couple small appliances.

Do you have a copy of the Koran handy in which you would like to make issue with the scriptures? Have you ever read it?

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"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They will surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13
Levitican law was for the Jews - not for Christians. It doesn't coincide with Jesus' teaching.

Try again.
You mean show you where people other than you are advocating killing muslims because they happen to have a different religion? Ok, are you familiar with the past nearly 2000 years? Or are you prepared to make the absurd claim that no christians, christian groups, or christian churches in the past 2000 years have committed atrocities? I guess the crusades and spanish inquisition were both myths. Hitler obviously never went to church, nor did he believe he was doing god's work by purifying the Aryan race. The KKK was definitely not founded as an organization for veterans of the civil war who were against black freedom, northern supremacy, and the spread of non-protestant religion... Hell, Christians must not have been killing Jews for being Jews since the time of Constantine the first. Should I list more things christians have not done?
KKK - not Christians. Catholic Church - not Christians. Hitler a Christian? Really? This has been debunked repeatedly in this forum.

But it is instructive that you have to reach waaaaaay back into the past to find your obscure and irrelevant 'examples.' Your google skills aren't so good yet. :rolleyes:

Westboro baptist church for starters?
They're not Christians. Show me where they are teaching killing and beheading blacks, gays, and infidels.

Note these verses:

Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Mat 7:21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
You mean show you where people other than you are advocating killing muslims because they happen to have a different religion? Ok, are you familiar with the past nearly 2000 years? Or are you prepared to make the absurd claim that no christians, christian groups, or christian churches in the past 2000 years have committed atrocities? I guess the crusades and spanish inquisition were both myths. Hitler obviously never went to church, nor did he believe he was doing god's work by purifying the Aryan race. The KKK was definitely not founded as an organization for veterans of the civil war who were against black freedom, northern supremacy, and the spread of non-protestant religion... Hell, Christians must not have been killing Jews for being Jews since the time of Constantine the first. Should I list more things christians have not done?

Westboro baptist church for starters?

Where do the actions of christianity based groups before give a free pass to "Islamic extremists" now? I may be totally wrong here, but what I got from your post is "Christians did horrible things in the name of christ, let's give the 'extremists' time to evolve their beliefs and realize killing people in the name of their religion as dictated by their RELIGIOUS LAWS is wrong." The teachings of Christ and the teachings of Mohamed is the fundamental difference that Calabrio KEEPS pointing out. I have not seen you address this yet. I HAVE seen you point to a quote from the bible and claim to know your Islam. I want to see you intellectually address his post, or admit you can't. Quote the scriptures, show us what you know so well to be true about Islam.
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FIND, I'm reminded of a song much heard on the radio during my last trip to Minnesota---"Were You Born An A S S H O L E , Or Have You Worked At It Your Whole Life?"

(I ask the question because you must know better than what you produce here.)


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