They're tryin to tell me the lincoln is dead


LVC Member
Oct 25, 2014
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United States
Hey guys, Im having a prob with my power steering right now, im definatly leaking fluid from somewhere but i can't find it. I looked online and they're all giving me pictures of power steering line.jpg
so i guess my real question is what does the side i have circled plug into? i looked under the car and it magicly disappears into the abyss of things i can't see lol. Could that be the source of the leak? while im running the car it'll start smoking from the middle/back driver side of the engine bay. I called a shop and asked them for a quote and they told me $625........can't spend that on the car w/o my wife killing me, so any imput would be awsome. Thanks guys

power steering line.jpg
The circled part is the high pressure line at the rack. If it's just leaking I can't think of anything in the area that would get it warm enough to smoke. You sure it's ps fluid?

Maybe it's the trans dipstick O-ring? I think that can leak onto the exhaust.
If its the high pressure line that's leaking odds are it by the oil filter were in goes into the pump.
I think its gotta be #5 or 6, ill get back under there and look again, that pic is awsome tho. thank you, called ford and lincoln and they could find a picture for me lol. I don't think its the trans tho, well at least i hope not. but i think it was just one of the lines blowing out, i went to pick up my kiddo and didn't warm up the car, and i think i was low on powersteering fluid to begin with, drove there with no powersteering and by the time i parked to pick her up my car just dumped it lol, it does look like its leaking from the actual power steering pump too. filled it up with powersteering fluid again today and tried to turn, no powersteering. but its not flooding out for some reason now. ill get under there tho and figure out which # line im looking at tho
I didn't know your ps was out. You really need to jack it up and look or take it somewhere. I can't really think of what it could be, but I will tell you that you can buy a new line and a reman pump with pulley for $100 from advance auto using one of there many coupon codes. Ask me how I know... ;)

Fixing them is the hard part.
Just had to go grab the kiddo from grandparents, and its way to cold for me to get under there again tonight, ill post some pics of what im looking at tomorrow tho. i know pictures are way better than me trying to explain stuff i dont know about lol, thanks for the help guys
Ok so after fighting it for about 3 or 4 days (ive lost track and took many anger relief breaks) i feel like im leaking fluid from where the high pressure line goes into the rack, i tried to get the line off, and it wouldn't budge for anything and it also looks like there is a piece between the line and the rack (i may or may not have broken that piece b4 an anger break) but i got the new pump on with the old pully<root of all my anger, and started it up and poured fluid from somewhere between the high pressure line and the rack, i didn't put the new line in b/c i literally could not get it off lol any tips or tricks? is there supposed to be something between the line and the rack? all the pictures ive looked at look like it should just go directly into it.

i would also like to not that i hate all things that involve the putting on or taking off of pullys......i have to be doing it wrong or something....
Ok so after fighting it for about 3 or 4 days (ive lost track and took many anger relief breaks) i feel like im leaking fluid from where the high pressure line goes into the rack, i tried to get the line off, and it wouldn't budge for anything and it also looks like there is a piece between the line and the rack (i may or may not have broken that piece b4 an anger break) but i got the new pump on with the old pully<root of all my anger, and started it up and poured fluid from somewhere between the high pressure line and the rack, i didn't put the new line in b/c i literally could not get it off lol any tips or tricks? is there supposed to be something between the line and the rack? all the pictures ive looked at look like it should just go directly into it.

i would also like to not that i hate all things that involve the putting on or taking off of pullys......i have to be doing it wrong or something....

What kind of wrenches are you using?

There is a small section of line that connects the hpl to the rack. You want to connect the hpl to that little section. You really have to watch it cause you can tweak/twist that little line while trying to seperate it.
What kind of wrenches are you using?

There is a small section of line that connects the hpl to the rack. You want to connect the hpl to that little section. You really have to watch it cause you can tweak/twist that little line while trying to seperate it.

I definatly have tweeked it, where the hpl goes into the little piece i could not get it to break free for anything, i had a wrench holding the piece that goes to the rack and was trying to get the hpl free, as we all know there is like 0 room to do this in, but eventually i wound up moving the line, now im pourrrring fluid from it, so its obviously tweeked. Is there a part number for it? do i have to remove the whole rack to get at it? please let me know if there is some other way to get too it, right now im pulling the oil filter and had the ps pump off and that gave me a little more room, took a tourch to some wrenches to bend them to get a little better shot at it, and still couldn't get close to the amount of torque i needed to get them apart. if there is a connecter tho, that makes alot of sence, b/c i literally moved the whole line when i was trying to disconnect the hp line

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