Think about what a stupid " " President Obama is!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Terrorists to be moved to Illinois

You have to read it to believe it.

Would you rather have these killers in Guantanamo or Illinois?

Think about it........

and then.......

Think about it after reading this comment from a reader called...


"Wonderful! I am about 20 miles east of Thomson. Let me tell you something about this little village: very small, no real infrastructure to deal with ANY sort of 'incident', about 15 miles upriver from Cordova Nuclear Power plant. Not too far from the Rock Island Arsenal. Lots of good targets for 'outside' influences. Many simple agricultural folk who don't lock their doors at night. Small schools, ripe for a hostage incident. You get the picture. But, I guess Dicky Durbin feels we are a good, safe place for these enemy combatants!
Rush can start calling Detroit ''New Fallujah'' again.

Thats funny, I was born and raised in Detroit, and I have been deployed to Fallijah, the oly thing they have in common is the huge population of chaldeans (arabics) that stay there, is Rush talking about that?
..I think it had to do with the violence in Detroit.
Dearbornistan is a name used to address the dominant muslim populations in Dearborn, Mich.
The violence in DC is much worse than the violence in Detroit. There is also a huge saturation of Muslims in West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Southfield, I can name more if you want me to. I think this is Rush being himself again. The violence in Detroit has nothing on the violence in Iraq, maybe if spent 2 hours over there, he would realize that the violence doesn't compare.
Detroit has a 30% unemployment rate with no major supermarkets left.

In terms of the top places not to be Detroit is pretty high up there.

Its not the city, its the people there, I believe unemployed is what someone chooses to be, whatever happened to hustling, my uncle made 60K a year when he was laidoff, he didnt miss a beat, he does whatever is takes to keep his mortgage paid. When I hear somebody tell me they are unemployed because of the economy, I tell them they are full of sh1t. Detroit is a beautiful place, it has its problems just as every big city does, I grew up in detroit, and never had a problem.
Detroit is a beautiful place, it has its problems just as every big city does, I grew up in detroit, and never had a problem.
Ah, no. Detroit is much worse than most cities. I know you grew up there, but have you been there lately?
The violence in Detroit has nothing on the violence in Iraq, maybe if spent 2 hours over there, he would realize that the violence doesn't compare.

You're completely missing the point.
First, the comment is meant to be understood as a joke, satire. It's not meant to be understood as a literal observation.

A foreign army didn't overthrow the local government of the Detroit and there aren't insurgents with IEDs, nor is that implied.

You don't get the joke and I can't provide you the full context in which it was applied.
You're completely missing the point.
First, the comment is meant to be understood as a joke, satire. It's not meant to be understood as a literal observation.

A foreign army didn't overthrow the local government of the Detroit and there aren't insurgents with IEDs, nor is that implied.

You don't get the joke and I can't provide you the full context in which it was applied.

Ok, there was no talk of it being a joke.
Ah, no. Detroit is much worse than most cities. I know you grew up there, but have you been there lately?

Actually, I go home every year, I park my LS or Aviator on the same street that I grew up on, leave my sound system, rims, and other valuables in plain sight, never had a problem, I am flying home this year, but thats because 21 hours is a long drive, I often make it back to my parents house after 1 A.M, I have never been robbed, shot at or anything else. People base their stories off what a small amount of people do. Most people aren't robbing and stealing to make a living. I fly in on the 21st, I will send you some video, you might want to invest in a few properties, my grandad just closed on his 10th rental, and I am looking at a house when I land.
Ok, there was no talk of it being a joke.

When websites like mediamatters attempt to destroy and smear commentators they don't agree with, they deliberately leave out that part of it. They leave out the satire or the entertainment part and give the impression that everything is being stated as literal truth.

New Fallujah became a running joke based upon some of the media reports about the violence in Fallujah juxtaposed with the escalating violence and murder rate in the city of Detroit. At the time, the murder rate in Detroit was higher than the death rate in Fallujah, Iraq (for Americans). I think there were also some gang violence and fights at sporting events too, further demonstrating the economic disaster, political failure, social breakdown, and instability associated with Detroit, very loosely reminiscent of pre-surge Fallujah.
Rush stopped calling Detroit by that name a couple of years ago, at a caller's request. He started it after Ron Artest had just gone into the stands at the Palace in Detroit and fought with the fans who were throwing stuff at him.

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