Lol yeah that's definately too dark. I had 5% over the factory 40% on my '94 explorer and I loved it, but that was only on the rear 7 windows. The front two and top of windshield were only 5%...
I'd say put 5 over 20 on the back to compensate for the windshield not being tinted and 5 for front two sides and winshield at MAXXXXX lol. Nobody would see a silhouette sp? through that, let alone what you have.
That's crazy dark man. You'll find it to be a pain, you just won't admit it to yourself until the initial excitement wears off.
I've thought about going 5 over 20 on rear 3, 5 on front two sides with 5% strip across top windshield, and 35 covering the whole windshield heatshrunk, no seams. But I doubt I'll do it.
Looks good though!