Thinking of Trading '01 LS8 off for '02 LSE


LVC Member
Jun 23, 2005
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I was wondering if it would really be worth it in the long...The main reason i'm considering this is my '01 has been troublesome of late...Transmission problems, cracked windshield, then the other night someone slit the rear passenger tire...Is the LSE that much of a step up from the regular '01 LS, just lemme know.....If not i may take a turn to BMW's...but one thing's for sure i'm letting go of my '01
Well, the only difference between your 01 LS and an 02 LSE is the appearance package. Of course, there was an undisclosed power gain in the 02 LS/LSE but it wasn't a huge increase. They slightly modified the air box to allow it to breathe a little better which supposedly gave it a slight increase in HP. If you were going to make the jump get a later model LSE like the 2004 and up. There are some deals to be had on those.

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