This guy is killing me! You know what I mean? LOL

Very hard to explain, look around, you'll figure it out...

This should be fun.
I'll give a hint

By utilization of the tools on this thoroughly creative website, you'll be able to deductively emancipate my attempted portray.

After the aforementioned research has been completed, you will be forced to recognize an evenly distributed quantity of endorphins throughout your body, hence causing you to uncontrollably smile and laugh in a wim of happiness.
MrWilson said:
but, where to begin?
Ironic you would ask MrWilson, you have an unfair advantage and don't realize it ;) It is possible that he's killing you too.

Love the avatar by the way!
hottweelz said:
By utilization of the tools on this thoroughly creative website, you'll be able to deductively emancipate my attempted portray.

After the aforementioned research has been completed, you will be forced to recognize an evenly distributed quantity of endorphins throughout your body, hence causing you to uncontrollably smile and laugh in a wim of happiness.
Does this have anything to do with flatulence?
LOL Cousin Paul SHOULD be on this board, he would be an amazing asset...

Flatulence...? I have a feeling it's in our future :p
Women are not even as problematical and perplexing as this thread is, regrettably I am engrossed with all the substantial large vocabulary that he spoke.
Post #3 and Post #4 mean the exact same thing.
Post #1 is quite literal.
Post #5, #6, and #7 are relative.
Post #10 is closest to correct, but not quite.

Intrigued yet?
Thread #17 doesn't pose any questions at all? Put some IQ into it for Pete's Sakes
So there's a car you still can't pick up, either because some other problem was discovered or the guy isn't available? And it looks like hotwheelz and OldSchool are the ones trying to pull this off, maybe with the help of MrWilson ?

I think that's my analogy for now...
I think it's time to reveal the answer, hottweelz. I need help!

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