this is a joke LMAO got dam

come on i own a 95 continental
you dont put a 95 continental for sale on ebay aspecialy ebay for 4700 man
95 continental at a dealeship maybe you get 4k for it with 100k on it posibly
but you dont ask that mouch man that what im saying
just ask some Contie owners some of the 95 and 96 and even some of the ones that are looking into buying the 95 and 96 or 96 years
that car maybe 3500 man i know mine 95 with 149k
with a new tranny i have i wouldnt ask more than 2k if i wher gona sell it
bigdog1279 said:
just ask some Contie owners some of the 95 and 96 and even some of the ones that are looking into buying the 95 and 96 or 96 years
that car maybe 3500 man i know mine 95 with 149k
with a new tranny i have i wouldnt ask more than 2k if i wher gona sell it

A Lincoln with 100,000 miles is just getting broke in and the owner can ask any price he wants it's his car.
im just saying that thing will need a new tranny in another 10 to 20 K i bet
so there 1500 to 2000 dollars in less then a year and your looking are probly atleast new bags for the front so you see what im saying i know about those i know 2 ppl with 95s
and myself
and i know 4 ppl that have 96 to 97s not personaly but have seen them around advetising with any where from 80k to 160k for less then 3500 Man
The tranny in my Continental is still original to the car and has over 100,000 miles on it and still works good.
pepp the tranny in the 95 contie is a turus based tranny to small for this big car they go at about 110 to 125 K yously unless you get the filter and flush change every 30k then it will probly last till it has 150 to 160k
but the tranny in your car dosnt have alot of stuff to pull couse your engine is that big and all that man
try a tranny in a v8 that was built for a v6
its a smaller and totaly difrent trany then the mark 8 and any other 4.6 has man if you dont trust me just ask mike he will tell you :)

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