This is madness.

Being a black male i hate to say this but truth is truth they know that money is going to go right back into the economy because many of the people they target with this will go right out as sonn as they get thier hands on a little piece of money and buy something they don't need...Alot of them do not have a sense of planning for the future and holding on to that money and saving or investing it. I am not saying all will do this but a great majority will. I have seen this happen time and time again. Not trying to turn this into a race thing cause thier are poor and low-income people of all races, but I have to be honest with what I have personally seen. The best thing these people could do for themselves is hold on to that money, invest, save, put money aside for thier children and let the interest build. Not go out and buy a bunch of electronics, latest cell phones, rims, sneakers, cars etc.....Also if you have debt take this opportunity to pay it down or off completely cause high interest rates affect all americans and i hate paying for others mistakes. Ok stepping off soapbox now!!!!!!
I don't usually post in this forum, I had to post this link. It is very disturbing.

...and there is clearly no slant to that article at all. :rolleyes:

So do you think all the money should "go to just white male construction workers?" I believe the point is to encourage companies to hire and train to meet the new demand, and to not limit the opportunities to (artificially or intentionally) to certain groups of people.

They're suggesting (simplified), "If you want the work, you'll need to show me you've created jobs, show me that new jobs represent a reasonable sampling of our unemployed population, and show me that the workers can do the work (even if 1 in 5 are in OJT)." It's like me saying to my roofing contractor, "If you want the work, show me you have insurance, show me that the people you send are legally employed, show me that you don't club baby seals, etc."

That comment about "the least skilled, least qualified workers [getting] jobs based on their chromosomes and pigment" is just laughable and it's clearly blowing this way out of proportion.

Sure it might not be the brightest idea out there, and he certainly could have put it a better way, but no government is going to hire an army of derelicts to build its bridges and get away with it. We may not agree with all our leaders -- or their advisers -- but they're generally not stupid. And most of them have egos the size of Canada -- they're too worried about their legacy to intentionally run the country into the ground.

In any case, they better be sure they're hiring people who are here legally and who are paying taxes like everyone else... back to figuring out what to do about my "check engine" light. :D
This is a duplicate thread, the video is posted in the other thread.
You don't appear to have watched the video, and you apparently know nothing about who or what Charlie Rangel is.

What we have here, clearly, are two Democrats who aren't interested in stimulating the economy, but advancing their social policy and pork spending under the guise of a stimulus plan.
...DAMN IT!!
Would one of the administrators fix the Mick Jagger bot!!!!
You've changed his talking point, but he's still posting his vague and poorly constructed posts without any proper context.

It'd be funnier if he just said random crude things.

I have sand in my vagina.
Oh, really? And of course, you have PROOF of that!:rolleyes:

Yawn. You just demonstrated that you are the most ignorant poster here. Again.

Bush was just seen in the Anbar Province of Iraq with a Metal Detector, I think he is still looking for the WOMD.
Bush was just seen in the Anbar Province of Iraq with a Metal Detector, I think he is still looking for the WOMD.

...that would then confirm that, whether he was right or wrong, he wasn't lying.
If he knew they were never there, then why would he still be looking for them?

Glad we're in agreement.
Oh, really? And of course, you have PROOF of that!:rolleyes:

Yawn. You just demonstrated that you are the most ignorant poster here. Again.

Don't let you mind wander - it's far too small to be let out on its own.
WOMDs---Two Scenarios

It makes no sense to look for WOMDs in Iraq. The nuclear production facilities were made movable right after Israel bombed the sh-it out of Saddam's project a number of years ago. The stuff was sent to Syria by convoy as we were headed for Baghdad. Thousands of poison gas artillery shells were found but the gas hadn't been installed.

The only possible alternative scenario would go like this:
1. Israel blows up Saddam's nuclear facility. Saddam says, 'Oh Sh it! I don't want to get bombed again. I guess I'd better give up my nuclear ambitions'!!
2. Saddam causes thousands of Kurds to be killed by poison gas. Then he says, ' Wow, that really works good!! I guess I won't ever use it again. I'll get rid of all the gas manufacturing facilities, and just leave these thousands of artillery shells we made for delivery purposes piled up and useless. I certainly wouldn't use anything so efficacious'!!

Head-in-the-sand liberal Saddam-lovers certainly make me tired.:rolleyes:
It makes no sense to look for WOMDs in Iraq. The nuclear production facilities were made movable right after Israel bombed the sh-it out of Saddam's project a number of years ago. The stuff was sent to Syria by convoy as we were headed for Baghdad. Thousands of poison gas artillery shells were found but the gas hadn't been installed.

The only possible alternative scenario would go like this:
1. Israel blows up Saddam's nuclear facility. Saddam says, 'Oh Sh it! I don't want to get bombed again. I guess I'd better give up my nuclear ambitions'!!
2. Saddam causes thousands of Kurds to be killed by poison gas. Then he says, ' Wow, that really works good!! I guess I won't ever use it again. I'll get rid of all the gas manufacturing facilities, and just leave these thousands of artillery shells we made for delivery purposes piled up and useless. I certainly wouldn't use anything so efficacious'!!

Head-in-the-sand liberal Saddam-lovers certainly make me tired.:rolleyes:

Go fart peas at the moon !!
I think FreddieFriday is out of control, just spurting random invectives.

It may be time to set him to 'ignore' again.
It appears as though he is referring to spending money on infrastructure. Nothing disturbing about that at all.

It appears as though you misunderstand.
He's NOT talking about building infrastructure, that might cause a need to employ "White Male Construction Workers," wouldn't it?

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