but there is a greAt number of people who side with his views, are they wrong?
Well... in a word.
But, again, this depends on their definition of what is right.
And do those people really side with HIS views, or what they project upon him and perceive his views to be?
I don't think that Obama's world view represents the world view of the majority of this country. I don't even think it represents a significant MINORITY of this country's population.
Part of Obama's mastery has been in manipulating and exploiting the political language of various political "movements" to rally them behind his, different, cause. Using racial politics to align himself with the racial, identity politics, voting block. Using religious language to pick up those constituents, ect. While advancing an ideology that really embraces neither view.
This gets rather complicated and it might be easier to address had I not spent the night "out" this evening.
So, yes, I think the majority of his rapidly dwindling supporters are wrong-
Honestly, the best book that explains the foundation of Obama's philosophy is the one recently released by Dinesh D'Souza. And even that is only a fundamental framework.