This just in from Hawaii: Obama still a citizen


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL


Hawaii's health director confirms and declares Obama's birth certificate genuine:,0,840995.story?obref=obnetwork
This has been covered before and it doesn't prove weather or not Obama is a Natural Born citizen, given Hawaii's policies concerning the issuance of birth certificates at the time...
Hawaii's health director confirms and declares Obama's birth certificate genuine:

OK, so Chiyome Fukino has broken the law twice now and made comments about a person's health certificate. She claims she has saw it and now SHE declares that he is a natural born citizen.

Oh really, since when did an hourly clerk become an expert on Constitutional law? How does she know he is a natural born citizen? He's not now and never was or will be.

The media is spinning this as a Birth Certificate issue. It's not. The Certificate will only lead us to the rabbit hole. His natural born status IS the rabbit hole.

Nice try Joey.

If you are so comfortable with this statement from Hawaii and the laws that have been broken, what's the big deal showing us the genuine certificate?

Typical left-wing media tactic of changing the subject. :(
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Obama’s Certification of Live Birth serial number is 151 1961 – 010641. The claim is he was born on 8-4-1961. Certificate was filed by the Registrar on 8-8-1961.

Attached are the twins that were born the day after Obama supposedly was. Notice that the certificate numbers are LOWER numerically than his (10637 and 10638). The twins birth date was 8-5-1961 with the registrar signing off on 8-11-1961.

So how did Obama wind up with a higher number when he was born sooner? :shifty:

Obama's actual Certificate of Live Birth number therefore should be 151 61 10641.

Obama, who's your daddy?

Joey it doesn't matter ... the big dogs are hidding in their bunkers ... LOL ...
I have to ask, Rich...

What the hell are you talking about? Three of us have commented in this thread.

Back slowly away from the crack pipe, man.

Go back to the mech side.

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