throttle body


Dearly Departed Friend
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Villa Park, IL
working on my '95 and had to remove the intake cause I'm replacing my injectors. I was playing around with the throttle body cause its dirty and I know it has to be cleaned. I noticed when I pull the throttle cable the left valve doesn't open until the cable is pulled completely open (as in at WOT). I know this isn't right but is there a rebuild kit or something for the throttle bodies? I haven't removed it from the car (cause its in the back by the fire wall and my back can't hold out anymore!) but I'm assuming its just a cable? Also need the gasket between it and the intake, I know that's a replacement part. Now I know why I like my Gen 2, everything is easier to get at!
Jibit said:
I noticed when I pull the throttle cable the left valve doesn't open until the cable is pulled completely open (as in at WOT).

What you describe is normal. Amazingly, the linkage opens them sort of in a sequential manner.
driller said:
What you describe is normal. Amazingly, the linkage opens them sort of in a sequential manner.

really? I could have sworn that everytime I clean my Gen 2 throttle body that both open at the same time. I didn't think it acted like a carb where the secondary would open when at WOT
I don't know about the Gen2 throttle body. It may be different? But every Gen1 I've seen is like you described.

I had a list of gaskets, but can't seem to find the throttle body gasket number.
driller said:
I had a list of gaskets, but can't seem to find the throttle body gasket number.

if you happen to run across it I'd appreciate it or maybe I'll just give max a call
There were 3 gaskets noted as 'intake' and 2 were in pairs - through the process of elimination, that leaves this part number for the intake to throttle body gasket...

$10.12 LIST $
driller said:
There were 3 gaskets noted as 'intake' and 2 were in pairs - through the process of elimination, that leaves this part number for the intake to throttle body gasket...

$10.12 LIST $

haha! knew you would find it, thanks :Beer
The 2nd gen throttle bodies open differently than the gen 1.
Gen1's use a progressive throttle linkage. If you pull the TB off, you'll see how it works. Supposedly to increase part throttle response.

gen 2's use the same setup as the cobras.


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