throttle problems


New LVC Member
Jun 20, 2005
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I am new to this site, I am looking for help changing a throttle position sensor and EGR Pressure sensor. I have a '94 Mark VIII. I feel in love with the car awhile back and have since put 120,000 miles on (the car had 60,000 when I purchased it.)

Recently, I ran into some problems. The car was not accelerating correctly (bucking I guess you could call it) I had the codes scanned and it appears the two sensors I mentioned before are bad. At first I was not able to locate either of them on the car. Finally, I assumed the throttle position sensor had to be on the back of the throttle body. There is absolutely no room to remove the sensor without taking the throttle body off first. I took the bolts out, removed the vacuum lines, now I'm trying to take the throttle cables off, and fear I will break if I am going to have any success in removing them. If anyone can tell me step by step, or has pictures of how to remove the cables it would greatly help. Also, if anyone has information about locating or finding the EGR pressure sensor and or knows how to change it, that would also be appreciated.

Thank you.

Caption #1...this linkage simply snaps off of the ball stud on the TB linkage, just place a small screwdriver between the linkage and the cable end and push it away.

Caption #2... this simply un-clips off of the linkage also. If you look closely at it while its still hooked up youll notice the cable end slips over the stud and clicks down over it.

As far as the EGR pressure sensor goes.....If it's the one im thinking of, it's bolted to the back of the drivers-side cylinder head. (A little grey box with a rubber hose, and a wiring connector attached to it.) I would know for sure, but I left the ford manual at the garage..

Hope that helps.


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