It looks like my engine is burning oil and the timing chain seems to be going. When ever i let the car idle and then stomp on the gas (WOT) I hear a loud metal on metal clank and my buddy (MTA mech.) immediately said timing chain. It doesn't happen when I baby the gas, but I can hear said chain knocking when driving on the highway next to the center divider with the windows down. Sorta like a light metal tap. Anyway, we plan to replace the engine in the summer. Can anyone provide a few pointers on getting the engine out without running into trouble?
Aside from my mechanic knowing what to do, does the PCM, cluster, and PATS need to be remarried after an engine swap? Or would the car run without any issues?
00' v6 @ 150k miles.
Aside from my mechanic knowing what to do, does the PCM, cluster, and PATS need to be remarried after an engine swap? Or would the car run without any issues?
00' v6 @ 150k miles.