Time to Vote for May 2011 Winner 4 1 yr Free Membership

Vote 4 May 2011 Free 1yr Gold Membership

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Raped Ape

Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 17, 2011
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In front of computer
Well, the 3 nominee winners for May 2011 is as follows.

1) NoLimit95
2) Sapperfire
3) Kustomizingkid

Place your vote and win this voting is over, then the winner will win a free 1 yr Gold Membership on me.

Lets get involved on for these nominees and lets get the votes in. If you know any Gold Members and or Admin, get them in here to vote.
I can't lie, the biggest reason I finally bit the bullet and went Gold was so that I could see what all of this voting nonsense was about. lol.

Anyway, I think it's a pretty cool idea.

This is what I am talking about, I am doing a generous thing here by buying a membership for a member on a monthly basis. And at the least the existing Gold Members could vote to make that happen. This absolutely sucks, where is the participation? 90 visits, 11 votes, WTF. I would like to continue this for all to enjoy, benefit from, and possibly make a persons day by the free gift.

All it takes is voting, is that to hard to ask? I think not, by this lack of interest, I may just stop doing this all together. All I get is grief from reg. users about the threads outside the Gold Member forum, because they can not see it and Gold Members do not come to the Gold forum. Should I take it out of the Gold Members hands and make it a public thread and let the whole site see it? I would rather not as to the surprise factor and I would not like to turn it into a circus either.

IDK what to make of this, I will think it over to see if it is worth this effort wit nothing in return.
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I agree with Bill. Its wrong that there is not a lot of support for this cause. Any ideas to how we can get more participation?
i voted, guess most people on here dont really give a :q:q:q:q, the whole site has completely changed recently. i appreciate what you are trying to do bill, specially since i was one of the winners, but i was a donating member here, i didnt renew my membership so thats why my gold icon was taken away. i wasnt going to renew it anyway, just due to the fact that so many pos scumbags have joined this site and made it a sad place to be some times, if you want my honest opinion, i think this should be a pay only site, it would weed out a whole heap of dicks. $20 bucks to be a member for a year would be just fine with me, if you cant afford 20 bucks then you cant join lvc, i know it cant be that way, but i bet this place would kick ass again!

It sucks that the gold member area has so little action. I went gold again to contribute to the site. I didn't expect a lot from going gold but it's really the same as being a free member, except for the gold member icon. I thought there would be more to it.
ALright alright, I voted. I hadn't voted since I didn't know what the hell the point was. After some looking I understand and have to agree it's a genuinely decent idea.

And my reasons for going gold were the same as many others, primarily to support the site. Didn't really expect anything other than possibly some added access or something like that.
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Listen, we have less than 2 hrs left, now I know that all Gold Members on here have visited or heard or seen what is going on, and not only them, but Admin also, and there is plenty of voting that needs to be done. So please place your vote and help in getting rid of this tie.

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