eclipsespeed2003 said:
Does anyone know how to install a timing chain onto a 2000 LS? The person working on the car already took the old one off but doesn't know how to put the know on back on. He doesn't know what to line up the new chain with.
You forgot to say if it was a V6 or V8... but if it is a V8:
First thing you want to be absolutely sure about is that the cam bearing caps were installed in thier original locations. This is very important, each has its own specific lash.
Note: You will need a crankshaft positioning tool mounted durring installation to maintain TDC.
-Start with LEFT head!-
1: Put crank shaft @ 45 degrees @ ATDC.
2: Colapse the hydraulic tensioners (you will see a valve on the tensioners, press it with a paper clip, or tiny pick to relieve the pressure). Then properly position the tensioners. After positioning, install the secondary timing chain tensioner bolts.
3: Install the Intake sprocket, exhaust sprocket, chain, and damper as one unit. Install the bolts in both sprockets finger tight for now (dont forget the exhaust sprocket has a washer.) Reset the timing chain tensioner. (open the check valve again and squeeze with your fingers)
osition the crankshaft gear and timing chain over the crankshaft as one unit.
5: Install the timing chain tensioner (a large zip tie works well to hold the slack while working)
6:Use the camshaft positioning tool to lock the camshafts while tightening the sprocket bolts.
Crankshaft sprocket timing marks should be positioned forward.
You will also need a new crankshaft pulley bolt and washer.
This is all i can remember off the top of my head, you will obviously need torque specs and sequences. I will check tomorrow if i remember, and put in all of the missing info, but you can at least get everything assembled for now. (unless one of you other LS guys here can copy/past it from your own tech DVD, i dont have mine on this computer.)
But, in my honest opinion... Have someone who knows what they are doing finish the job. Everything should have been marked from the begining.