Tinted lights kits. What do u think......

Dude, thats a POS!!! film kit that falls off in 3 weeks. I had a DIY tinted taillights thread that I posted but it seems like it dissapeared. Heres what I did, I bought 2 vht niteshades cans ($16), wetsanded my lights with 800 grit sandpaper, threw on about 5 coats of VHT (completely blacked out), I recommend about 2-3 coats, then took my tails to earlscheib so they can spray clear coat on them ($40), and the end result was :D for $56. BTW: I GOT PULLED OVER TWICE (tint & speeding) & COPS DIDNT TELL ME NOTHING, AND MY LIGHTS ARE BLACKED OUT!!

I looked at this and thought if I was going to use film I'd cut it myself and save some money.

But I'm planning on using the Testor's transparent black tinting paint and topping it with clear coat. I'm not convinced that the film won't bubble and/or change color over time.

Seems to me that the spray-on approach will be cheaper than the $60 kit (assuming DIY) even counting an extra can of paint and a junkyard tail light cover for practice. And I can decide how dark I want to go by testing between coats.

If you try this kit out, please let us know how it works out.
BTW: I tried talking to him a while ago but he said that he didnt offer the kit for the LS since the light has grooves. That shop is about 30mins away from were I live.
there is a japanese store online that sells it.. forgot the name.. jus do a search for it.. thats how i found it..
how many cans should i order i found them on ebay for 10 buck. will i can do it or do i need 2 cans
I used the kit from stickercity.com on my tails (on a 02 ls). "waves" the lights is the biggest problem and I looks GHETTO I soon will take it off and get them done by jonstintedtails.com and It will not "fall off" like someone said. my bro. used VHT and it looks like a$$ not glossy kind of a dull tint ( he also cleared them and still no help)

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