Tinting windows laws!!!!!

IM running 5% on the back 3 windows, and 15% on the front 3 windows, (yes my windshield is tinted and I love it..) Los Angeles cops seem to have bigger worries than pulling people over their tint..:D
I have 5% on all windows except the windshield, I have had few tickets for it, but I am not taking it off. I like the way the car looks with em too much.
lexdiamondz10304 said:
IM running 5% on the back 3 windows, and 15% on the front 3 windows, (yes my windshield is tinted and I love it..) Los Angeles cops seem to have bigger worries than pulling people over their tint..:D

You have 15% on the windshield?? I think that is a little to dark for the windshield personally, I am going to get mine done but on 35%
I live in Ohio and run 50% up front and 35% in the rear and never been pulled over and my little town is known for ticketing tint. I am legal but I dont want them to pull me over for it.

Just got pulled over last night

The officer gave me a 5 day notice, which generally means that I have 5 days to pull the tint and have an officer certify that i did in fact remove it. I am going to let the time period lapse and when he sends the ticket, I will fight it. His interpretation is that only passenger vehicles need to meet the 70% emissivity law. He informed me that Vans, SUV's, and pickup trucks were exempt. When I explained that pickup trucks and SUV's were passenger vehicles and I asked him to put that in writing, he refused, stating that he had more important things to do. I have 35 all around, except not on the windshield. It will more than likely cost me more to fight than the ticket, but there is a principal involved. Anyone in Pennsylvania or anyone just looking for information about this newly found cask cow for local yokels, check out this site.

I have yet to tint my Lincoln but when I do I'm gonna go with 35% all around. I want to keep it legal, the cops seem to think it is fun around here to hand you either a ticket or a razor blade. I'm not about to pay $200+ for tint and have to scrape it off or get a $250+ ticket.

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