Should I replace my front struts with springs
I always refused to switch my 7 over. With all my mods i kept my air ride. I prefer to keep the air on my 8 also. It just seemed like a lot of people have converted there 8s. I see why now.
Definitely! Who the hell put struts on your car?!
I was warned that this subject would bring out the air ride police. I guess I didn't do my research good enough. My Mark VII had struts. Looking at the 8 it looks different but looks like a strut. SORRY I called it a STRUT I feel SOOO much better now that you have educated me on that nonsense detail. ;-)
lol, thaywood hasn't even shown up to weigh in on strut vs shock yet.
i also like my air ride. among other things, the load leveling has kept me from dragging at times when i know a sprung car would have.