Today sucks!


Dedicated LVC Member
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
The Wild West
Everyone seems to be wrecking there LS these days. Well, today I backed the LS into a yellow pole (motherf*&^er). The damn thing was like 2 feeet tall and right in the driverside blind spot. Smashed the bumper up, nice big yellow mark from top to bottom. Gotta get it fixed on Monday. The only thing that sucks is it dips into the Foose Splitz fund. The rims will have to wait a little while longer.
That sucks man..

Actually my today sucks too. I got pulled overed twice!! Got a ticket twice too. First time for seatbelt, the second time for tinted windows. Sucks big time man..
U guys know these things happen in threes...sorry to hear about everyones mishaps.
DAMN IM ON TWO!!!! two wrecks in two weeks......WTF!!!!!!
I hope It doesnt happen again I might Loose it on someone!!!!
I wish people would open there damn eyes and learn to DRIVE!!!!
Well every please be safe.......And good luck with you cars watch out for DUMB@$$!!!

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