Took a trip to the dragstrip today.....


Dmaup's Daddy
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
I got the fever to get to the dragstrip today, so I loaded up the 95, packed some friends in, and took off to Havana. It's only a 1/8th mile track, but it gave me something to do. I can tell i'm a little rusty by my reaction time, but I'll work on that this season. Anyway, here are the stats.

Reaction--------- 1.014
60ft------------ 2.206
330Ft----------- 6.255
ET@594Ft------ 8.932
1/8th ET-------- 9.520
1/8thMPH-------- 76.51

I have a video of the 1 run I was able to make today, if anyone would like to host it. (It's pretty good if I say so myself, 18 MB worth.) Any good samaritans out there?

congrats. I do the 1/4's so, i dont realy know if thems r good #'s for 1/8's but sounds good. Kick the tires and light some fires!
That's about a 14.65-14.70

Nice pass. Cobra intake, 4.10's, I would hope for better, but without traction, and not knowing the conditions, anything's possible.
BlackIceLSC said:
That's about a 14.65-14.70

Nice pass. Cobra intake, 4.10's, I would hope for better, but without traction, and not knowing the conditions, anything's possible.

Yea, I would really like to get down to the 1/4 mile track down by st louis. But Ill have to find time to go all weekend. I would REALLY be interested in gettin all of you in one locale for a big get together/track/dyno weekend.

btw.....that was my first time down the track, and it's been a few years since Iv'e even been down a lane. :) The times will increase trust me on that.


any takers on that video?
these lincolns are so big I found out if you go on the third yellow you will nail .500-.600 RTs all day which will help alot if your racing a faster car, remember alot depends on the driver.
.500-.600 is a MILE of spread. typically a .530 or better will yield plenty of win lights.

Here is a good example of two evenly reacting Mark VIII's.

and the video of that match up(yes...I am in the black car)

My typical R/T's are .540's or better. I "react" to the second yellow. if you anticipate the blinking lights on a 5/10ths tree, you arent getting a true "reaction time" are getting a "calculated guess".

trust me. leave on the third yellow, and you'll get caught snoozing long enough to lose as soon as the first experienced drag racer comes along.
94m5 said:
Reaction--------- 1.014
60ft------------ 2.206
330Ft----------- 6.255
ET@594Ft------ 8.932
1/8th ET-------- 9.520
1/8thMPH-------- 76.51

I have a video of the 1 run I was able to make today, if anyone would like to host it. (It's pretty good if I say so myself, 18 MB worth.) Any good samaritans out there?

My 1/8 mile 'averages' from last year(rookie year) for comparison...

Reaction--------- 0.626
60ft------------ 2.161
330Ft----------- 6.176
ET@594Ft------ ?
1/8th ET-------- 9.451
1/8thMPH-------- 75.22

Hit me with an email and I'll temporarily host the vid at my photo album site. :D
RT's have nothing to do with the ET's at all.

Now I know that...I hope you didnt think I was implying that. However, R/T's decide 90% of all drag races.

Remember folks, ET's dont win bracket races, reaction times do. Unless you are running "heads up", your ET doesnt matter in a bracket race.
BlackIceLSC said:
Now I know that...I hope you didnt think I was implying that. However, R/T's decide 90% of all drag races.

Remember folks, ET's dont win bracket races, reaction times do. Unless you are running "heads up", your ET doesnt matter in a bracket race.

Yes I do iunderstand that. I won many a bracket race be drilling the tree.
Yes I do iunderstand that. I won many a bracket race be drilling the tree.

unfortunately, I have lost many-a bracket race by getting drilled. Of course, many wins have come my way as well. Live by the tree, die by the tree.

when dealing with low 10-second cars, they react so quick, that if you falter even for 2/100ths, your day can end like that(snaps fingers).

The new "computer" cars have brought the "super catagories" into a realm of racing that is just way too hard to compete in, unless you too add a computer.

For example, in super gas,(9.90 index), the avg margin of victory is now down to 8/1000ths second. that's insane. 32 car field, all qualified between 9.900 and 9.92 and the races are decided by the 1000th of a second....NO THANKS!
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