Totally confused new guy!

king triton

LVC Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Why am I confused?The name of the forum.I am probably one of the most unbiased people here when it comes to Lincolns and Cadillacs.You see,my first car was a 1966 Coupe DeVille.Man I loved that car.But my ex-wife wrecked it,like my house,and my bank account,and my life,and,,,oops.sorry went a little off subject there for a moment.:D Anyway,I am a master certified service tech and have worked in both GM and Ford dealerships for over thirty years.Heck,I once drove over 1000 miles just to buy a 1970 Coupe DeVille from a relative,loved that one too.Had a 1980 Eldorado that was sweet.But then I have also had some nice Lincolns.A couple of early Marks,a Town Car,and now a 1993 MarkVIII.And I am looking for another old Coupe Deville or Eldorado.So,like I said,Im confused.Which side of this site should I be in?:D Heck,I dont care which side Im on,I love em both!Oh,one other thing.I admit,I have an overly active sense of humor,so if I post a joke or two (I will keep it PG-13,14,15):rolleyes: And one other thing,For those of you who did not know this,,It WAS PURELY HOLLYWOOD PROPAGANDA!My ex-wife DIDNOT die when that house landed on her.It mearly shifted some weight to the rear!:D
Welcome to LvC.. the only side to be on is LvC.. LOL...

There is no competition although we've had some fun in the past trying to get a little who's the best..

You will find that the Lincoln members are the more active. Mark VIII members do the most to modify and play with there cars followed by the Mark VII members.. LS well no after market parts LOL poor them..

Come back often and enjoy the fun join in the forums and discussions.

Post your expertise advice or help where needed... Your experience will be appreciated..
Wait...thats another thing sometimes we just dont get it.:shifty: :shifty:

oh 2 less doors.. LOL

Oh Welcome again king triton... can't wait to see the sense of humor..

Maybe Frogman would enjoy it LOL...
Ah Frogman you know that you secretly want to own a Town Car.

I do:( a Mark VII)

No aftermarket for Essex Conti's either:shifty:(with good reason i suppose)

Any whooo,

Welcome king triton.
I think for the most part anyone here really likes both Lincolns and Cadillacs deep down. I know I do. I prefer Lincolns, but if I had to drive a GM would be a Cadillac. I almost got a 91 Sedan DeVille(found it first and it was cheaper) instead of my 94 continental, but it was a turd.


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