Toyota. Moving Forward


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 11, 2005
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I promise to nicer if you promise to be smarter.
On three wheels.

Toyota now has the best selling pick-up trucks on the market, right? Right. The best selling CURB CLIMBERS, maybe.

As most of you don't know, I do a lot of hunting on my time off. Yes, I reach out and kill poor little defenseless animals from 900+ yards away. Get over it.

Anyways, yesterday afternoon I'm driving around about 80 miles from town, scouting out Prairie Dog towns, when I chance upon this poor chap...

He had no cell service where we were (Always a good idea to have a 3 watt old school bag phone with you), and he was about to start hoofing it to town.

He said he was driving along, when all of the sudden, the tire gave way. Note the nice long gouge he left in the road.

He has a little over 32K miles on that poor truck. Good thing it was his employers' truck.

Moral of the story? Don't venture out into the middle of nowhere with a wanna be pick-up truck like a toyota.



ahhaha i can't stop laughing to type hahaaha
frogman kinda looks like the ocean is in the background in that first pic, where is that? shoulda taken some pics of your truck too it looks nice.
The background in the first pic is just the horizon effect, I assure you there is no ocean there. The only body of water is a small less than ¼ mile lake about 20 miles north of that location, next to an abandoned uranium mine.
Well, not really abandoned, there is a full time live in keeper there, so we should call it a closed Uranium mine.

As far as my truck, it's just a plain jane F250 diesel CC. I've got an exterior pic of it in a thread here somewhere though.
Nope Toyotas last forever...thats what my mother in law says. Fords are crap according to her.

Of coarse her trans just went on her highlander. Father in law bought a BMW never figured that out. His old car the Avalon was totaled by there daughter (not my wife) before the theory of lasting forever was tested. Come to thing of it a different daughter totaled there old Previa and there son destroyed a old Camry years ago.

I guess she has a different definition of lasting forever than I.

My son turns 16 next year and I just may give him my 220k MarkVII that I no longer drive to show her lasts forever. Runs like a top on all original motor and has survived a deer.
haha toyotas suck ass. it dosent even look like he rain over any bumps, just sad
If you follow the gouge back, it kinda looks like he may have tried to jump the hill in the back, and it broke when he landed. Maybe having a little too much fun in his employer's truck.

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