tps or tb actuator


New LVC Member
Dec 18, 2014
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United States
I have a 2003 lincoln ls that went into limp mode 2 weeks ago I changed the 2 sensors above the catalytic converter this I know were bad but it was just starting and stalling would not stay running. Had it put on machine to read codes it said tps and mass airflow so we changed mass airflow but tps was bad from the store so we didn't change still not running got a brand new battery cuz mine was shot anyway. Started right uP no engine light nothing was wrong ran great for about 30 min to hr and i shut off for about 20 minutes and when i started it up again it went into limp mode tI. the tps is 70$ compared to 700$ for the tb actuator but I had a ford mechanic just put on machine and said it is the actuator it was not a code reader it was his computer for work. please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance
Need to know the actual five-character OBDII codes that are getting set.
It could be the TPS, the throttle itself, or even one or more bad COPs (Coil-On-Plug).
Most of the time it is the COPs, but there were some bad throttle bodies on some 03s.

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