tranny fluis in 00 ls v8


LVC Member
May 31, 2008
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where is the dipstick to check the tranny fluid, also how do i change the tranny fluid on the 2000 ls v8?
1. There is no dipstick. There is instead a co-axial drain plug.
2. With difficulty.

The best way is to use a flush machine that connects to the cooling lines.
just had it done at the dealer $139. I have 80K. Effects? seems to run smoother, but it could just be a placebo effect.

Anyway prob good thing to have done sooner rather then later...My sis has a Lexus RX300 and a lot of ppl with RX300 don't recommend having it done after 100K because it can let loose bits of the trans (depending on how you go about changing it).
just had it done at the dealer $139. I have 80K. Effects? seems to run smoother, but it could just be a placebo effect.

Anyway prob good thing to have done sooner rather then later...My sis has a Lexus RX300 and a lot of ppl with RX300 don't recommend having it done after 100K because it can let loose bits of the trans (depending on how you go about changing it).

That's a myth that comes from not understanding how the flush works. The transmission constantly pumps fluid through the cooling lines. The flush just lets the old fluid pour out of the line while new fluid is poured in. This doesn't stir up anything in the transmission any more than the normal running of the car.

The other reason people think that a fluid change causes a problem is this. They wait till the transmission is starting to act strange. They get a fluid change, and a few days later the transmission fails. It was already going to fail, but now they blame the fluid change for the failure.

The Lincoln schedule says to change the fluid every 100 or 150 K miles (I forget which). I would recommend more like every 50K. (I know many say that the schedule says every 30K, however if you read closely there is a little * that points to a note at the bottom that says the LS transmission is an exception and should be done at 100 or 150K.)

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