tranny shudder / performance torque converter


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Alright i have a tranny shudder in my 97, from what i hear it can either be in line to need a tranny flush along with 1-2 shift accumulator springs, new piston style assembly, and the seal, OR it could be the torque converter.. Well im going to go ahead and do the shift accum and flush, but what are the chances of it being the TC? It shudders between 40-45 mph.. The car has 108k on it. Would a j-mod be a good idea with the :q:q:q:q accum spring and piston and tranny flush? also if it is the TC i guess im going to get a performance one. I do 50% city driving so i need to know what is a good stall to have it at? I dont want something ridiculous that is a total pain in the ass to drive from 0-30 mph.. just sometihng i guess that would gain performance and not kill normal driving styles? And where is the cheapest TC at this stall size or what brand? I know i have been asking alotta ?'s about the shudder, but its just a pain in the @ss to have something wrong w. the car.. and yes the shudder sounds like rumble strips... ANY INPUT WOULD BE APPRECIATED
I am interested in the answer also, because my TC does the same thing!!!!
There is a place here that does a tranny flush but it costs almost 100 dollars.
Yeah i could but when i get enough money ahead i will get the tranny flush, a simple filter , and fluid change doesn't get rid of the deposits left behind!!!
It's been almost a month since my flush, after my mark was doing the same thing...

So far so good.

GET IT FLUSHED NOW. If you're lucky you're only out 100 bucks. If not, at least you buy some time to save & shop.

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