Tranny Troubles


LVC Member
Mar 9, 2005
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Hello Everyone..

I'm having problems with the transmission on my 2001 LS V8. Based on some of the threads I've read through, it sounds like I'm in for an expensive ordeal.
Just last night while driving home, the indicator went from D5 to E. It feels as if the car never makes it out of 2nd gear. Got home, waiting about 1/2 hour and went for another test drive. The same thing happened within 10 minutes.

First....does anyone know what may be causing this?
Second.....the car has 53,000 miles on it and has been in-service for 4.5 years. The decision I'm trying to I take it back to the dealer or to my local transmission shop? I realize that taking it to the dealer is going to be more expensive. However, my position with the dealer would be that the tranny should not be toast after only 53,000 miles.

I saw on one of the threads something called "AWA" "after warrany adjustment" that the dealer will sometimes extend to the customer. Do you think I have any chance with this? Not to mention my warranty just expired in September.

I would greater appreciate any advice.

AWAs are, from what I've been told, entirely discretionary, but I don't remember if it's at the discretion of the dealer or Lincoln. Since you're only 3,000 miles over the warranty expiration, you probably have better odds than most. It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask the dealer--particularly if it's the dealer that sold you the car.
SoonerLS said:
AWAs are, from what I've been told, entirely discretionary, but I don't remember if it's at the discretion of the dealer or Lincoln. Since you're only 3,000 miles over the warranty expiration, you probably have better odds than most. It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask the dealer--particularly if it's the dealer that sold you the car.

AWAs are at the dealers discretion and usually only to the original buyer. A good dealer relationship helps.
sounds like a bad valve body, have seen it before, car wont get out of 3rd gear. There might be a TSB on it.

If you take your car to the dealer regulary for service they will probably do an AWA for you but its up to the service manager.

You could call ford and ask, but dont let on that you know about AWAs cause then they wont help you at all.

With the mileage and if you bought the car new you might at least get them to cover the parts.
Call Lincoln support. There was a Customer Satisfaction program to address these known problems with this tranny. I had mine done on my 2004 with 14K miles on it last year. ALl the service plus rental was free of charge.

They had to drop the tranny and take it apart and replace various parts including the solenoids and I think the valve body.

Maybe if you are lucky the program is still available.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
Jim Henderson said:
Call Lincoln support. There was a Customer Satisfaction program to address these known problems with this tranny. I had mine done on my 2004 with 14K miles on it last year. ALl the service plus rental was free of charge.

They had to drop the tranny and take it apart and replace various parts including the solenoids and I think the valve body.

Maybe if you are lucky the program is still available.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson

I know you keep posting this in the tranny threads. You have a 2004, this member has a 2001. No such thing exists for the 2001 my

There are known issues with the 03 and up solenoid and in some cases valve bodys on the 5R55S in the 04 and up LS/Mountanieer/Explorer...
Thanks my car back from the dealer on Friday.
$1300 for the valve and selonoid (pardon the spelling) body. Ouch!!!

No relief from either Lincoln or the AWA....nothing!
hopefully the installed the revised part but it sounds like they knew what they were doing juding by the fact that they did the solenoid pack as well.

The failure in the parts cam down to an inferior spring and some other small item that costs about 8 to 10 dollars. I had found an aftermarket parts company that was selling the parts to refurb the OEM part.

You should be good to go for about 20 to 25 k more miles. I went through 4 repairs in all. the first three were done by the same ford dealer and they only replaced the valve body. The last one was done by a different ford dealer and they replaced the two parts and seemed to be a better fix. But I had problems with the tranny again right before Ibought my g35.

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