Trans leak and leaving M8 parked.


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 4, 2010
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Riverside County
I need some advice.

Basically my 96 LSC hasn't really been driven much since I got her back last May and especially not driven since October but three times. I have been dealing with pressure ulcers and an infection. I'm paralyzed if some don't know.

I asked my parents to take her in to get an oil change yesterday. While there my mechanic noticed that the radiator had a leak. No problem there the radiator in my 93 was basically brand new. And the second problem was a leak from the trans pan. Bigger issue of course.

I was wondering what is the average cost of replacing the trans pan gasket, if that is all it is?

And since I am going this far I might as well do the J-Mod or get a shift kit. Now as for the J-Mod I am sure my mechanic doesn't know about it.

What it better the J-Mod or aftermarket shift kit and how much more would either add to the cost? I would love to do this myself but don't look like that will happen.

This is a bone stock 96 LSC with no tune.

I also plan on leaving her parked until I heal up with maybe very little driving later on and inbetween. But for now I am also thinking about buying the Battery Tender Plus or Genius Battery Charger for the few months I will not be driving. Either that or I save money and let my parents drive her once a week.

Which of those would you recommend the Battery Tender Plus or the Genius Battery Charger if I do decide to go that route? If anyone here has used either.

Any other advice that I should know while she might be parked would also help. She will be outside and I got a cover so that is one.
Depending on how long we're talking you might want to get a bottle of Sta-Bil for the gas and drive it around the block a few times after dumping it in the tank to make sure you don't get unstabilized gas still up towards the engine.
Jmod is better. its straightforward really. this drill bit in this hole. whether your mechanic will want to do it? idk.

Trans pan gasket is pretty easy.
drain fluid, bunch of bolts, change gasket, bunch of bolts, fill trans.
also, the trans dipstick tube o ring like to leak. it could be that too.

most any battery tender will be fine.
probably looking to spend in the $20-30 range for a decent one.

dunno about labor.
Jmod is better. its straightforward really. this drill bit in this hole. whether your mechanic will want to do it? idk.

Trans pan gasket is pretty easy.
drain fluid, bunch of bolts, change gasket, bunch of bolts, fill trans.
also, the trans dipstick tube o ring like to leak. it could be that too.

most any battery tender will be fine.
probably looking to spend in the $20-30 range for a decent one.

dunno about labor.

I don't have the money right now so I haven't asked about J-Mod but I'm sure they can do it there. He has a real good guy there that used to own his own transmission shop. I don't know if he knows about the J-Mod either.

As for the leak I'm not sure if it is the pan gasket. After talking to my dad I think he said it was a seal leak.

Any guess on what this might cost? Costly I know just wondering what the average is.

Asked my mechanic about using Sta-Bil and he said as long as the car isn't parked for more than a year I should be good. Tank is full. Chevron 91 only.
Depends if you are getting 100% gasoline or not. The ethanol blends that you find at most of the gas stations these days (100% gasoline is outlawed in a few states even) rots a lot quicker than straight gasoline.

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