

Speed Bump
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
need some help on removing my trans and things i should do and not do . i have to replace the stall converter and put in the shift kit
When you jack it up, use a huge piece of wood. The jack will dent the transpan and then you will be out $150 or so.
Be careful when dropping the trans out of the car, the EGR accordian tube may BREAK off, especially if this a higher mileage outdoor car. You can gingerly "snake" the trans around it while GENTLY prying on it at the same time.
CaptainZilog said:
When you jack it up, use a huge piece of wood. The jack will dent the transpan and then you will be out $150 or so.

sounds like voice of experience :)
Joeychgo said:
sounds like voice of experience :)
Heh, naw. I worked in a shop a number of years back. I got all sorts of tricks from there without the requisite screw ups :)
Markviiiedrea said:
where is the EGR tube?
You will see it when the time comes. Its on the drivers side by the bell housing.
Mine has survived 8 tranny swaps with all the trans and converter testing we have done on this car over the years.
can do,i guess there is not much else to worry about, just undo bolts and it should come out huh. this shouled be fun, how long do you think it wiil take? it was just removed two months ago, i want every thing done by sat, and im starting on wed and i can only work at night., but i will have some help.
Markviiiedrea said:
how high do i need to get the car in the air for the tranny to come out?
3 Feet at the is plenty. On the ground I do them with 4 jack stands. Let the ar pump all the way up then shut the ar switch off. Jack the rear first then do the front.
well we all most got it out tonight everything but the bell housing bolts and cross member, had some trouble with the fly wheel bolts but there off now, do you guys know how many bolt are on the housing? hope to get it all done by sat, we will see. :headbang:
Markviiiedrea said:
well we all most got it out tonight everything but the bell housing bolts and cross member, had some trouble with the fly wheel bolts but there off now, do you guys know how many bolt are on the housing? hope to get it all done by sat, we will see. :headbang:

There are 7. 3 on the drivers side, 2 on the passenger, and 2 at the very to of the bell housing. The top 2 are the hardest to get to, because they are right behind, and under the throttle valve. The one on the drivers side is easier to get to than the one on the passenger side (the uppermost that is). Also, the second one up from the bottom on the drivers side is bit of a PITA to get to, WAY easier than the 2 at the top.

I should have taken pix of the removal of everything that I have done, and still in the process of accomplishing, but some of the stuff I did would be a bit different, unless you doing a total swap (tranny/ I am), but I will have some more pix of the engine tomorrow (along with the parts).
I'm done, well the car is still in piece’s but i just got a*s raped by the guys who rebuilt it in GA, when i removed the tranny pan i saw that the filter had rust on it( now how dose that happen in side a tranny full of fluid) also the valve body gasket was reused, it was stuck on there and bent out of shape . it was not even in there right position. so got that off started to take my 1-2 accumulator off when i got the piston out the other side was beat to sh*t ( you would think that if a part was damaged you should replace it) i got pictures of it. i just stopped and came home after that, now they told me that they replaced every thing that should be .it wasn’t when i opened it up. there is still a month left on the warranty (been driving it for two) so any advise is welcomed, im thinking parking the car and biking every where i have to go , cuz i don’t have any money to fix this

by the way i still haven’t got the stall from them , they said it would be here today. o joy.

tranny pics 006 (Small).jpg

tranny pics 001 (Small) (2).jpg

tranny pics 010 (Small).jpg

tranny pics 014 (Small).jpg
well i started to take out the tranny and guess what 3 out of the 8 bolts where lose, hmmmm, what good work guys performed on my tranny

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