Transmission check - should I get shift kit?


LVC Member
May 20, 2014
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I have had my '05 LS v8 Ultimate for a little over a month now and for a couple of weeks now I have noticed some delay in shifting to 3rd and sometimes 2nd. It is under a warranty with the dealer somewhat in that he will pay 1/2 of parts and labor which is better than being stuck with the full bill 5 weeks after buying the car. Regardless, it's a used car and you just take those chances. I still love the car and don't mind spending the money to fix it because I plan on keeping it for a long time.
My question is if they have to do some work on the trans, should I have a shift kit installed? I understand it firms up the shifts but really don't know the benefit of having it. If it does make an improvement in how it drives or extends the life of the transmission, then I'll have it done.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
See ... this is exactly what I was concerned about in the other thread, folks end up with a newly acquired LS and start experiencing some troubles with the transmission and the words, SHIFT KIT comes up.

I understand I may have been wrong in too quickly disagreeing to the fact that it will "strengthen" the transmission.

In my views, don't bother sticking a Transgo Shift Kit in an already ailing transmission, it's not the solution to correcting or making better.

As mentioned already here, Servo bore gets worn out, will need honing out and port installed aka "sleeved", there is also solenoid issues which should be addressed, not to forget the shift linkage needs replacing for symptoms of hard or not able to get out of Park. Fluid + Filter.

Only then (IMO) I would begin to think about a Transgo Shift kit install.

There is also the option of a custom Tune from Torrie, that can be loaded which will raise the pressure to the shift points.

~ as always, corrections/additions/comments to my input is appreciated. (we learn!)
It is of my opinion that IF you're going to open the transmission that you do it all. No point in doing such a laborious job, like dropping and opening the transmission only to do it again. Like Big said, do the servo, the solenoid and the shift kit all at once. If you can do it yourself, great! If you search there is an EXCELLENT thread with a step by step how-to with pics. I don't have it saved, so you'll have to search.
A shift kit will not fix anything period. It makes your shifts more firm by increasing pressure. That's it. I installed the shift kit at 160,000 miles and have had no issues. Like the others said, if the trans is out of the car or you drop the pan then go ahead and install it. But fix the other issues 1st.....servo bores, shift solenoid, etc.
The bores in these transmissions reach limits of wear that cause loss in pressure to the top of the piston and that causes functionality issues in the 70,000 to 200,000 mile range depending on driving habits.

Myself, I'd rather go with a REMAN w/ Transgo shift kit from a professional speed shop w/ papers that it was tested on their motors up to X amount of HP w/ warranty.

$$$'s and budget allowance depending of course. Money tree needs watering.
I agree, I wouldn't have the shift kit installed to solve a problem. It would be something I would consider having done while they are in there doing the repair work. My question is, what are the benefits of the shift kit?
My LS just hit 93k miles.
My money tree died when I got married and had kids (3).
Good news, transmission shop says everything is fine. It's one of those situations where the problem has occurred several times but once you have the professional there to inspect, it operates as it should. Hopefully it's fine for a long time.
Thanks to all for the input but I will not concern myself with the shift kit at this time and hope there isn't a need to in the near future.
Good news, transmission shop says everything is fine. It's one of those situations where the problem has occurred several times but once you have the professional there to inspect, it operates as it should. Hopefully it's fine for a long time.

well the bad news, transmission issues dont just fix themselves. if you had a problem, and it wasn't corrected, then you still have a problem..

I will not concern myself with the shift kit at this time and hope there isn't a need to in the near future.

there is never a need for a shift kit, only a want.

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