Transmission filter



Is this the right filter for my car?
I have been doing some reading, and it seems there are 2 different filters, depending on the pan that you have. I thought I read that the pan with the "dip'" in it takes a filter with that pipe thing on the bottom. Mine is flat.
Here is the filter they sold me, and my pan. I want to make sure I have the right one before I take it apart.


my95mark8 said:
Is this the right filter for my car?
I have been doing some reading, and it seems there are 2 different filters, depending on the pan that you have. I thought I read that the pan with the "dip'" in it takes a filter with that pipe thing on the bottom. Mine is flat.
Here is the filter they sold me, and my pan. I want to make sure I have the right one before I take it apart.

wrong filter.

instead of trying to find the right filter just go buy the deep pan. its cheap.
Crap. The right one should have NO tube on the bottom, right? Is this filter for the wrong year or what?
What is the benefit to the "deep pan"?
That's the filter for the updated transmission pan. They sold you a Mark VIII filter, but the wrong year.

That pick up tube is designed to draw the fluid from the "dip" in the updated pan under aggressive driving. The other style filter has no pick up tube because it corresponds with the flat pan.

So, if you don't intend to change the pan, specify that you want the pan from a '93 (or '95) and NOT a '98.
Calabrio said:
That's the filter for the updated transmission pan. They sold you a Mark VIII filter, but the wrong year.

That pick up tube is designed to draw the fluid from the "dip" in the updated pan under aggressive driving. The other style filter has no pick up tube because it corresponds with the flat pan.

So, if you don't intend to change the pan, specify that you want the pan from a '93 (or '95) and NOT a '98.
I don't plan on changing the pan, I don't need to spend any more money on this car right now.I am pretty sure I asked for '95...maybe not. I will call them tomorrow, and swap it out. If he has a bad listing, can I just ask for a T-Bird kit? I got it from a parts store we deal with at work.
He might of fat fingered the year when he entered the information into the computer. He probably didn't think there was a difference between the '98 or '95 transmission.

Just specify a '93 Mark VIII, that's absolutely before they updated the transmission. And take a peak before paying for it.

I don't know what year they updated the transmission pan on the T-bird, you'll probably run into exactly the same problem as with the Mark, so there's no point in trying to guess that.

I recently had the opposite problem, I have the updated pan on my '93 Mark VIII and I carelessly order the filter for a '93.
Well, I will know what to look for now. I'll have him look in the box before he delivers it.
my95mark8 said:
Crap. The right one should have NO tube on the bottom, right? Is this filter for the wrong year or what?
What is the benefit to the "deep pan"?

I did the same thing. Wasted $20!
the pan is cheap.

im pretty sure aftermarket parts houses only stock 1 filter. you have to cut the tube off of it to fit.
Got it swapped out today, I gave the guy the part#they sent me originally, and he said "that's for a 98".......
Huh, how about that. I think Amsoil sent me the wrong (wix) filter for my '96... good thing I was upgrading to a Ford Racing trans pan.

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