transmission problem?


LVC Member
Apr 5, 2009
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i have a 2000 lincoln conti, and its in great shape..its very fast too(2 fast)!,i noticed that when accelerating hard,the car kinda jerks,like if you were pressing the brakes a little and then letting go. its not very noticeable but just enough to let me notice. i dont know if the previous owner did a atf fluid change,,,right now, it looks not very dirty and im tempted to do a atf change,but im afraid of doing it because they say that it could hurt the! oh! by the way!!! the car has 121000 miles on it!
I've heard that about the changes too but I believe that harkens back to when that consisted of a pan drop which only chaged maybe 30%-40% of the fluid. This I could see how it could cause a problem since some gunk or whatnot could get churned up by the newly added fluid and its detergents. However most places now do a fluid exchange which virtually changes all the fluid. It hooks to the in/out of the atf cooler/lines and the car itself draws new fluid in as old is drawn out. I've changed out the fluid on my 97 conti my old 98 towncar, a 99 sable dohc 92 civic 99 hyundai excel and 99 explorer. All were owned by myself or friends for at least 2 years+ with no problems other than smoother shifting. I have heard the car should be driven conservitavly after the change and you may want to pop the batt and reset the computer. As the new fluid may have different "grip-friction" and cause the shifting to need re adjusted by the computer vs the old fluid.
once, my ex-autotech instructor told me that if the atf looked dirty,i should change it but he also warn me that doing it would cause the transmission to go bad instead of helping it shift better(this applies to vehicles that havent get their maintainance according to manufacturer schedules,cars with good maintainance records are ok)..he explain me that all that friction material of the bands and clutches inside the transmission somehow helps the transmission shift and stay together,and if you remove all of the old fluid you will also be removing all that "material" thus causing transmission failure..well you see,my car is not shifting terribly wrong is just that i want it to be in top condition,and i also want to eliminate that slight jerking feeling that i get when accelerating hard. thanks for the opinion!
The flaw with that logic is that if its true then changing it with normal maintnance schedules will cause a problem since the fluid won't have aged and caused additional friction. If the transmission learns to shift differently with more friction then it can learn to shift with less since that how it would hav been in the first place.
yea i guess you right..its logic what you are writing..then i gues you think i should change the atf right?
Just unhook the battery for awhile and reset the computer. Conti's learn to shift, might fix your problem.
i unhooked the battery yesterday while dressing up my i took it for a drive and i notice that jerking sensation while accelerating hard again but this time it was more noticeable,so, i waited about 4 hours and then took it for a drive again and the jerking was gone..i hope that unhooking the computer helped!!!
Just unhooking the computer on my car and doing no mods usually causes mine to run and shift a bit odd for a short period of time. Then it usually smooths out back to normal.

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