Transmission question


LVC Member
Apr 14, 2015
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Ok, so I bought a 2001 LS v8 yesterday stupid cheap because it has transmission issues. I know its common. My question is I know its a 5r55n but does the replacement trans have to have the same ID number on the tag? Possible donor car is a 2000. there are 2 and I have no idea what the difference is between them. The dealer couldn't tell me either.

Help is much appreciated
It has to be from a 2000 to 2002 V8 LS. One from a V6 won't work.
donor is a 2000 v8. Mine has the slap shifter (SST?) and the other does not. Still ok to use?
Ok i guess I didnt make my question clear. There are 2 5r55n's listed for the v8 with different ID numbers. Do I have to use the same ID number 5r55n to replace the one I have?
Don't know. I do know that SST or not doesn't matter. That's a function of the gear shifter inside and the PCM programming, not the transmission itself.
Don't know. I do know that SST or not doesn't matter. That's a function of the gear shifter inside and the PCM programming, not the transmission itself.

Thats what I was thinking. I cant find a difference between the two ID codes either......
Probably a running change during production that is important as a paint mark on the case or a different ID stripe on one of the wires. I'd be willing to bet no significant difference. Thoughts come from my time in Transmission and Chassis Division at Ford.


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