Transmission syptoms. what are possible causes

Trippen Out

Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Pinellas Park, Florida
In the mornings when i first run the car. I start it up. give it the pedal slowly and i drive off. i hit the first stop sign. brake and then go to make a turn and its like im in neutral. at this point i dont slam on the pedal i just kinda nudge it a little bit and it engages and go. it acts like this for a few turns and then its fine. its always at this point anyway. first gear it does this too. if i drive for a bit its fine. if i shut it off and go back later and drive its fine. it only seams to do this after its sat for hours with out being driven.

So i am curious if this is a sign that the torque converter might be going. or its the actual transmission its self. there appears to be plenty of fluid in it each time i check it. and i have just rolled the 160k mark. the transmission is modded with a dirty dog valve plate. the entire bottoms ide is new. the filters the regulators/valves and what not.
I would say clutch pack or pump, give Alan a call at dirty dog. He knows these units inside and out. 160 rounds on it I would say it has served the car well.
could be converteror other internal issuesi have a complete built trans for sale w/800 rpm over stock converter
and frpp shift kit perfect for ur gears. less than 500 miled on it .
I actually have the same issue.

ONLY after the car sits over night (it has to sit many hours without moving) it starts up fine, reverses fine, but when I hit the gas it stutters like it's not getting enough fuel. If I press the gas down a bit harder it's perfectly fine. Usually when I hit the stop sign to turn out of my complex it'll do it again and after that won't happen again until the morning after it sits all night after work.

I assumed it's just the initial fuel traveling to the pump and engine. I know my wife's '91 LeBaron does that on start up (have to turn the key, wait a second, turn it off, then start it and it's fine....if you try and straight start it, it'll turn over and turn over then start rough).

Is that not a common issue with the Mark? If not, I'll definitely have to start looking at what could cause that before it's something major.
could be converteror other internal issuesi have a complete built trans for sale w/800 rpm over stock converter
and frpp shift kit perfect for ur gears. less than 500 miled on it .

Trust me I have strongly considered your transmission. You are just to far and to expensive. or id be all over it. id much rather have a 98 trans instead of the 96. I am sure you well find a buyer for it as its a great deal

Do you have the "dimple" trans pan?

I have the stock pan as far as i know. I am not sure what the dimple transpan is actually

I actually have the same issue.

ONLY after the car sits over night (it has to sit many hours without moving) it starts up fine, reverses fine, but when I hit the gas it stutters like it's not getting enough fuel. If I press the gas down a bit harder it's perfectly fine. Usually when I hit the stop sign to turn out of my complex it'll do it again and after that won't happen again until the morning after it sits all night after work.

I assumed it's just the initial fuel traveling to the pump and engine. I know my wife's '91 LeBaron does that on start up (have to turn the key, wait a second, turn it off, then start it and it's fine....if you try and straight start it, it'll turn over and turn over then start rough).

Is that not a common issue with the Mark? If not, I'll definitely have to start looking at what could cause that before it's something major.

this sounds like a completely different problem. not even sure if yours is related to transmission or not.
This is a dimple pan.
For some reason I want to say yes. I will have to double check on the weekend. if i do is there something i should cautious of ?
What year is your car? The non dimple pan will neutral out on right turns. You want the dimple pan.
Are you just getting the COLD START UP nose over(rev limit studder)? All my MK8's do this.
no. its literally like i am in neutral. and not all marks do it. because mine doesnt. ill see if i cant grab a video of it doing what im talking about

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