Troops heroic in confronting Rumsfeld


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Jul 9, 2004
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Posted on Sun, Dec. 12, 2004

E.J. Dionne Jr.

Troops heroic in confronting Rumsfeld

WASHINGTON – Our troops in Kuwait, on their way to Iraq, spoke truth to Donald Rumsfeld last week. They make you proud to be American.

When defense secretaries and presidents give pep talks to our men and women in uniform, the troops often serve as extras whose heroism is supposed to rub off on the politicians. But at their town hall meeting with Rumsfeld on Wednesday, these men and women, many of them guard and reserve troops, threw away the script.

These heroes did more than any politician or journalist could to challenge the administration’s smug presumption that its optimistic predictions were a sufficient basis for planning the war in Iraq. They forced the entire nation to confront deep flaws in the administration’s approach.

“We’ve had troops in Iraq for coming up on three years and we’ve always staged here out of Kuwait,” Spec. Thomas Wilson told Rumsfeld. “Now why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromise(d) ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles and why don’t we have those resources readily available to us?”

God bless Wilson’s military comrades: at that moment, they applauded his courage and his cry of alarm.

When Rumsfeld asked Wilson to repeat his question, the airplane mechanic with the Tennessee Army National Guard expanded on it with rough-and-ready poetic flair. He asserted that “we’re digging pieces ... that’s already been shot up, dropped, busted, picking the best out of this scrap to put on our vehicles to take into combat.” By the way, the question was no less legitimate even if Wilson got help from a reporter in framing it.

Rumsfeld rambled his way into a line that will long stand as an emblem for the administration’s casual attitude to a war it had the freedom to wage on its own schedule. “As you know, you go to war with the Army you have,” Rumsfeld said. “They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

Excuse me, but if the United States was going to embark on one of the riskiest and potentially most consequential military engagements in our history, was it too much to ask our politicians to make sure that the military was adequately prepared and equipped before they started the war?

And since members of the Guard and the reserves are being asked to do so much, shouldn’t they get the equipment they need? Thus did a specialist from the 116th Calvary Brigade ask about “shortages and antiquated equipment that National Guard soldiers ... are going to roll into Iraq with?”

Rumsfeld replied that he had been told that “the Army is breaking its neck to see that there is not a differentiation as to who gets what aged materials in the military, in the Army, as between the active force, the Guard and the reserve.” Well, that’s either true or it’s not. We may now find out, and it took this young specialist to force the American media to cover an issue that clearly irks many of our fellow citizens who find themselves in the line of fire.

A staff sergeant from Fort Bragg, N.C., put on the table an issue that cries out for national debate – and, yes, national outrage. The “stop-loss” orders that force our men and women in uniform to stay in the service long after they have fulfilled the terms of their enlistments amount to a backdoor draft, no matter how you cut it. The sergeant certainly suggested that.

“My husband and myself, we both joined a volunteer Army,” said the sergeant, nicely inserting that word volunteer to make her point sharper. “Currently, I’m serving under the stop-loss program. I would like to know how much longer do you foresee the military using this program?”

Rumsfeld seemed to ask: What’s your beef? “The stop-loss has been used by the military for years and years and years,” he replied. “It’s all well understood when someone volunteers to join the service.” Which did not explain why the administration’s failure to anticipate just how tough this war would be is what’s forcing the military to rely so heavily on stop-loss to keep up our troop strength.

Say this for Rumsfeld: At least he publicly engaged challenges from the rank and file. How often has President Bush been held accountable? Certainly not by a supine Congress. And the president slipped through the election by scaring us to death about his opponent’s national security skills. Maybe a few brave soldiers will now shame the rest of us into confronting the powers that be with the questions our leaders should have faced all along.

E.J. Dionne Jr. is a columnist for The Washington Post.

Rummie is right. id rather go to war with all robots, but that isnt gonna happen. Not like ther could have been somthing done about it, because under the clinton administration ( im not saying he was bad or good, except horrible with the women he picked) he decided that it would be good to cut funding from the military, and as part of that he sold the armor plating from the vehicles in question, so he could get more money for his social programs. i bet we are so glad that beautify the highways is a success, and our troops are dieing as a result :). But there was to be no war when bush took office, so that means that any armor plating that would have taken place was btwn 9/11, and when the war started. heck we were only going into afganistan for a while, so that leaves even less time. (though most libritarians will disagree and claim that it was all plotted out ahead of time with daddy bush's friends in the middle east).
Rumsfeld is a moron. This just exemplifys (AGAIN) how pathetic our "leadership" in the white house is, and how POORLY planned this war in Iraq was. You are right, we had "only" between 9/11/01 and March of '03 to ramp up production of armored vehicles. Yet it wasn't until AFTER these Rumsfeld's remarks that production was pressed full-ahead. Even then, blaming the supposed "short time" between 9/11/01 and 3/03 for the lack of planning is a major cop-out. It wasn't like Saddam had a nuke to our foreheads, we had PLENTY of time to make proper preparations for this war. But the BuShies wanted to rush into this thing, without the proper equipment, without proper planning, without an exit strategy, and many troops lives' are lost as a result of their impatience.

I'm glad some folks like Bayh are starting to see the light and ask for this loser's resignation.
well you have to concider that when we went into iraq, the issue was pressed because bush (at the time) only had 4 years in office, and he had to make sure that the issue was delt with under his administration, because you dont know what the next guy will do, or even if the next guy is you. It would have been much more of a mess if bush had started the war, and someone else had come in and decided to pull out. Im not saying that it was a great idea to go into iraq, but i do feel that it wouldhave had to been delt with sooner or later, and id rather do it now while we have a president that will actually do it. Also, think of the casualities in this war. what is it, about 1,200 dead...ill take that (every life is presious, but you have to concider what casualities USUIALLY are in war) Vietnam, which this war iss being unfairly compaired to, had over 55,000 men in arms killed and nothing was accomplished except to piss off (pardon my german) the asian and eastern europian communists.
I read today that 40,000 Vietnamese people have been killed since the end of the war by armaments we left behind. Five children died just yesterday by playing with an object they found in a cow pasture. Significantly more have been injured.
well...dont play with stuff you find in a cow pasture, period...if your that stupid...then theres somthing more to be said.(i will not say it tho)
barry2952 said:
I read today that 40,000 Vietnamese people have been killed since the end of the war by armaments we left behind. Five children died just yesterday by playing with an object they found in a cow pasture. Significantly more have been injured.

Wonder how many of our servicemen they still have locked up there. Wonder how many POWs died in prison camp since the war ended.
Originally Posted by barry2952
I read today that 40,000 Vietnamese people have been killed since the end of the war by armaments we left behind.


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