TSB Source


New LVC Member
Mar 23, 2005
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Can anyone tell me with a good (hopefully free) source of TSB's on the Lincoln LS (2003)? I've searched this forum, but didn't find anything. Thanks! :L
what type of tsb's are you looking for?? all of them, or certian ones??? Once I get my FMC web site password I can give all the tsb's that you need. :give
Wigjiggy said:
Can anyone tell me with a good (hopefully free) source of TSB's on the Lincoln LS (2003)? I've searched this forum, but didn't find anything. Thanks! :L
I get mine off of alldatapro.com which you need a password and username for (through the dealer, i get it for free.) Do you have a problem with your car? I could tell you if its a TSB.
Wigjiggy said:
Can anyone tell me with a good (hopefully free) source of TSB's on the Lincoln LS (2003)? I've searched this forum, but didn't find anything. Thanks! :L
The best place is to sign up on www.alldatadiy.com and you can get all the TSB's and recalls. Not to mention wiring diagrams and other good things. I've been a member with them for well over 2 years and use it a lot.
Please becareful when useing alldata. I get guy's how think that there all knowing because they use aldata. then my techs look it up in FMC(Ford Motor Company) web site and inform me that there is no such tsb, and then I attach the printout to the paperwork so that I can show the customer the open tsb's, ssm"s, and recalls. I am not saying that alldata is not correct, just some of the info is not VIN specific as fmc is.
alldata does not drill down by vin but they do post build dates which can be verified by checking the decall on the drivers door.

I have been using alldatapro.com for well over 2 years and I own the shop manuals and they have both presented the same graphics and only slight differences in documentation. But for looking up TSB I think you can also use the NHTSA website.
cblood said:
Please becareful when useing alldata. I get guy's how think that there all knowing because they use aldata. then my techs look it up in FMC(Ford Motor Company) web site and inform me that there is no such tsb, and then I attach the printout to the paperwork so that I can show the customer the open tsb's, ssm"s, and recalls. I am not saying that alldata is not correct, just some of the info is not VIN specific as fmc is.

It doesn't matter if the program is VIN specific when a TSB or recall is done on a car. They base the TSB's or recalls on build dates in the factory. The only reason you would need the VIN is to submit paperwork associated with the repair to Ford. Oh, and another thing........I'm not all-knowing even though I use alldatapro, however, i appreciate you saying that i at least think i am. Plus, if im going in to get my car fixed, i'd at least like to be informed when i talk to the service advisor as opposed to relying on this vast knowledge of the car world......please......they need all the help they can get.
Ok heres whatt I mean by this. Remember the f-250's that had a tire recall?? Well i had this guy that was for sure he was eligible just because he had checked it with alldata, well there was no such thing with his specfic vin, nor were there any ssm's associated with his vin for any tire issues. Because he had this info through alldata I had to have him check with ford because he thought that I was full of it, and wanted new tires :soapbox: . Needless to say at the end of that day he was applogizing to me.
Thanks guys. I have a 2003 LS V8 that I suspect has an issue with the accelerator; it hesitates when I'm starting from a stopped position, and even seems to hesitate when I push down hard while moving.......its really starting to bother me, and when I try to explain it to the dealer, he gives me the story that its just how Lincoln designed it. Other things have made me less than impressed with my dealer, so I'm trying to see if there is a TSB on this issue. I've had lots of cars (most recently a Taurus SHO Gen III), and I've never experienced acceleration like this. I looked on FMC website, and could not find tsb info...is it out there? I'll also try the other sites mentioned. Thanks again!
tsb on fmc website

where on the fmc website can you get tsb??? I looked around and could not find it. Thanks for you offer to help.

cblood said:
what type of tsb's are you looking for?? all of them, or certian ones??? Once I get my FMC web site password I can give all the tsb's that you need. :give
Wigjiggy said:
Thanks guys. I have a 2003 LS V8 that I suspect has an issue with the accelerator; it hesitates when I'm starting from a stopped position, and even seems to hesitate when I push down hard while moving.......its really starting to bother me, and when I try to explain it to the dealer, he gives me the story that its just how Lincoln designed it. Other things have made me less than impressed with my dealer, so I'm trying to see if there is a TSB on this issue. I've had lots of cars (most recently a Taurus SHO Gen III), and I've never experienced acceleration like this.
One thing you probably haven't experienced is the "drive by wire" electronic throttle that became standard on the LS in '03. There's no longer a cable from the loud pedal to the throttle; it's strictly solid-state. Along with the transmission shifting and engine control, the computer learns how you operate the accelerator, so, in a sense, the dealer is correct: it could be doing that by design--it may not have learned your style yet.

Of course, this doesn't mean that there's not a problem...

BTW, I checked the list of TSBs at LLSOC, but I didn't see one that looked appropriate.
Thanks SoonerLS. That's helpful. Thanks also for checking for a tsb on llsoc. I have read some of the posts in this forum about the way the car "learns" my driving habits. Those posts suggest that you disconnect the battery for 10 minutes to reset the computer; I'll give that a try to see if it helps. I hope I can repay the forum with some helpful facts of my own some day as I become a long-time LS owner.
Because I work at a dealership I can get service history(if done at a dealership), all tsb's for any for, lincoln, mercuy vehicle. I log into ford motor company's website. So pm me your vin and I can give you tsb's and ssm's. of course :give

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