Turn Signals INOP


New LVC Member
Jun 19, 2006
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I have a 2001 LS and it has an intermitent problem with the turn signals not working. if they stop working (which happens about once per day) the Hazards dont work either. I have checked all the fuses, and bulbs and they are good. Any ideas? I read in another post about the Airbag, but it has never been deployed. And hitting the steering column does nothing.

Any Ideas?

Maybe the connectors went bad. The connectors are for 3157 bulbs. I also could have sworn that I just read something in the owners manual about this. If you don't have one, there should be a PDF file of it lurking around the board, do a search.

Can you explain a little further? Are you suggesting that the bulbs in the connectors are 1157's? Vs a 3157? and that has ruined the connectors? or that I need to check for corrosion at the connector?

I would suspect the MFS (Multi Function Switch). It's the turn signal switch on the steering column. Runs the wipers/washers/high/lo beam.
Maybe this is too old fashioned and does not apply to our cars but, most blinkers at least into the 90s were operated by a very simple cheesy flasher/blinker relay. Not much more than a thermal switch that when you turned your blinkers or hazards on, would allow power to flow thru the flasher. The flasher would heat up and then the bimetallic contact would disconnect the circuit until it cooled down.

The reason I lean to this is 1) both your hazards and turn signals don't work and the flasher is usually what controls both. 2) It is so simple and cheap, that unless you just built it into the computer system who would want to complicate things? 3) I have never seen it done with any other method, so far.

It is typically about the size of a walnut, cylindrical in shape, usually cheap thin metal case with usually 2 sometimes 3 spade lug connections. They are kind of shaped like a derby hat. Some can be heard clicking while in operation.

Like I said, don't know if the LS uses something this simple but time proven, and I don't know where it is other than it is usually somewhere near the steering column under the dash. It is usually easy to find since they do wear out. I think I have seen one or two in the fuse box on some cars. A wiring diagram would really help to locate it and verify that we have one, but I don't have a diagram.

If it is still operational, you might just listen for it under the dash.

The generic ones are dirt cheap.

Hope this helps,

Jim Henderson
I believe the flasher is built into the gauge cluster.

I actually took out my gauge cluster with it still plugged in, and i could definetly hear clicking from inside the cluster.

I honestly think that is such a lame idea.
Be aware that the 4-way flashers use a different flasher than the turn signals. Do your 4-way flashers work? Again I suspect the MFS.
it won't be the bulb connectors. either the switch or FEM
Well guys,

I am still fighting this. I finally found a switch, and havent installed it because I think I need some sort of 2 jaw puller to get the steering wheel off, as it doesnt just pull off. Does any one know if there is a special method to set up the clock spring for the Airbag?

it has gotten better in the last few months, now I have n o left signal at all, and if I try to use it, the right signal starts flashing!

I dont know what to do besides replace this switch. Although why would the switch act this way?
if it matters, i havent had a left turn signal for over a year. Just the front one though.

My mechanic has no idea what is wrong either.

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