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When i was younger i was madly obsessed with my older cousin...

Anyway, he came to visit my family and i fairly often. One night we were at the dinner table and he was talking, i was laughing at every word he said, funny or not, at one point he said something hilarious!! I busted out laughing, i laughed so hard i peed all over myself....in front of everybody...including him....

Ive never been able to look or speak to him since!!!!!!

Wow, that's a crazy story!
Wow, that's a crazy story!

More like unbelievable. THIS is crazy..

Well since the OP removed the post this was an interesting thread about ???? LMAO
Still no image...

BTW, I use imageshack, hasn't given me any problems.
Haha you beat me to it, was thinking the same thing..a thread about nothing.

It has been about 7 months since I made a thread and felt the need to make one but had nothing to make one about.

Soo this is what I came up with..

You're welcome.
Lol I don't care these threads are refreshingly amusing
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