Unemployment Rate Clinton / Bush


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States














Help for the eyes...............

Unemployment 2.jpg
How interesting how you've always credited the internet boom of the '90s for the prosperity that was enjoyed by all, yet when that same boom collapsed you instead blame Clinton. Typical republican, place the blame for the bad on the democrats but don't give them credit for the good.

In the sprit of fossten............

JohnnyBz00LS said:
How interesting how you've always credited the internet boom of the '90s for the prosperity that was enjoyed by all, yet when that same boom collapsed you instead blame Clinton.
Oh, I give them credit. After all, wasn't it former Vice-President Al Gore that invented the Internet?:bowrofl:
MonsterMark said:
Oh, I give them credit. After all, wasn't it former Vice-President Al Gore that invented the Internet?:bowrofl:

JohnnyBz00LS said:
How interesting how you've always credited the internet boom of the '90s for the prosperity that was enjoyed by all, yet when that same boom collapsed you instead blame Clinton. Typical republican, place the blame for the bad on the democrats but don't give them credit for the good.

In the sprit of fossten............


I'll tell you why.

Clinton was handed a strong economy. Economic development and investment through the 80s made the tech boom of the 90s posssible. And, economists recognize, that the short, early nineties recession had already ended before the '92 election.

The tech boom covered up the Clinton teams ineptitude concerning domestic economics. The economy was strong through the nineties DESPITE having Clinton in office, and in no way did he help that. He passed record tax increases early on in his Presidency.

Had the economy been managed right, the extend of the prosperity would have been greater, and more of it would have been permanent based on real growth, not internet specualtion.

But, most often when the Clinton recession is refered to, it's to recognize that the economy had slowed down BEFORE Bush 43 came into office. A lot of people don't know that.

So, again, there's no hypocracy here... just another topic that JohnnyBz00LS doesn't really understand.
I smiled when reading "Bush Tax Cuts Take Effect" on the graph. Does anyone really believe that a few hundred dollars to each taxpayer had any significant effect on the economy? Probably allowed most Americans to make more than the minimum payment on their credit cards for a couple months, if that. It's depressing to consider that some folks voted for Bush, simply because he was going to "send them a check", if he got elected. What a joke!
JoeyLincolnMK8 said:
this is an old picture, but i love it

How 'bout some current info then to go with your old 'facts'.

26 Straight Months of job growth
Over 3.7 million new jobs since May 2003. Bush administration has created 1.5 million new jobs since he took office.
Lowest Unemployment rate since October 2001.

So Bush has us back to even after the horrors of 9/11. My hats off to him. fantstic accomplishment but something you will never hear from the mainstream media.
like i said..... it is old. plus i do not care about what the media thinks. i do not care about politics... everyone lies anyway. i just posted this pic cause it was funny. that is all... bye bye!:Beer
Yeah, I was added to the list June 16 2005 when I was laid off from Boeing after 18 years of working there and never laid off until now. I have been looking ever since with no luck yet... :Bang If you have a job, don't take it for granted. I sure have not seen any of that job growth!
Nor have we seen any job growth in Michigan. Only cuts.
JC1994 said:
If you have a job, don't take it for granted. I sure have not seen any of that job growth!
I feel for you JC. I wish you the best and hope you find a good job soon.

The point I am trying to make is the media hyped the job losses in an attempt to defeat Bush in the election. All you ever heard every day was the numbers of jobs lost. Most were lost to the restructuring and reality check the Internet finally came to grips with and the rest were as a result of 9/11. Now that the numbers (job gains) are in Bush's favor, you don't hear a word of it.

Once again I prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the bias to the left in this country.

The new jobs created barely keep up with population growth. I admit that. But some growth is better than no growth, so we should be happy, not p.o.'d.

Lastly, until Americans change their buying habits that chase the lowest cost, manufacturing will continue moving overseas. I sell to the major retailers in this country. I am told daily to take our products and source them overseas so we can provide the retailer a cheaper price. If we don't, we'll lose the business to a lower cost supplier. Those are the realities we are facing.

So the next time you want to complain about jobs, take a look at the label on those items you are buying. If the items are similar and one is from the U.S. and other from overseas, you'll know what to do, even if the U.S. item is more expensive. Right?
JC1994 said:
Thats because all the job growth is sh!tty low paying jobs! all the skilled good paying manufacturing jobs are going overseas. to be done for pennys.:soapbox:
And who is creating the demand for those products made by people who are paid pennys?
There's really nothing any of us republican or democrat can do about job losses overseas, both parties supported free trade. now it's starting to have big effects.
JC1994 said:
There's really nothing any of us republican or democrat can do about job losses overseas, both parties supported free trade. now it's starting to have big effects.
We can do something about it. We can demand that retailers in this country carry American made products. We do that by showing them with our money. By choosing to pay more for American products, we are telling the retailers there is demand for US products and we are willing to pay more for them. Therefore, the retailer can charge more for the item that he has to pay more for, preserving his profit margin. American products cannot compete on the low end. There are too many global players out there right now. US made product have to have added value to command a premium price unless we, as a nation, decide to pay more for US products. Thus far, that has not been the case. People complain about Walmart but every Walmart I drive by has a packed parking lot. Why? Because people know they will save money on the exact same products sold elsewhere when everything is added up.

BUY US and we can reverse the decline in US manufacturing by paying more for the same products we currently by from overseas manufacturers.
MonsterMark said:
We can do something about it. We can demand that retailers in this country carry American made products. We do that by showing them with our money. By choosing to pay more for American products, we are telling the retailers there is demand for US products and we are willing to pay more for them. Therefore, the retailer can charge more for the item that he has to pay more for, preserving his profit margin. American products cannot compete on the low end. There are too many global players out there right now. US made product have to have added value to command a premium price unless we, as a nation, decide to pay more for US products. Thus far, that has not been the case. People complain about Walmart but every Walmart I drive by has a packed parking lot. Why? Because people know they will save money on the exact same products sold elsewhere when everything is added up.

BUY US and we can reverse the decline in US manufacturing by paying more for the same products we currently by from overseas manufacturers.

And what do we do when retailers realize that they can make a bigger markup on the foreign goods, so they raise prices on everything inflating US goods even more? Do we regulate them? Force them to raise markup inequitably? Who pays for that regulation? Or what happens when they start charging the same price for foreign goods that is being paid for US goods, and stop buying the US goods because they can't make as big a profit margin on them?
bill5 said:
I smiled when reading "Bush Tax Cuts Take Effect" on the graph. Does anyone really believe that a few hundred dollars to each taxpayer had any significant effect on the economy? Probably allowed most Americans to make more than the minimum payment on their credit cards for a couple months, if that. It's depressing to consider that some folks voted for Bush, simply because he was going to "send them a check", if he got elected. What a joke!

Sorry, pal, most people didn't vote for Bush because they were hoping for a check. I voted for him because I knew he would rebuild our military and be proactive against threats to our country, unlike his predecessor. I also voted for him b/c I hoped he would refill our Supreme Court with real justices instead of pretenders like Breyer and Souter. So far on that score I'm a little disappointed.

But your point is well taken. Bush's actions don't affect us, huh? I bet you don't hesitate to tout everything good that happened in Clinton's term and give him credit for it.
MonsterMark said:
We can do something about it. We can demand that retailers in this country carry American made products. We do that by showing them with our money. By choosing to pay more for American products, we are telling the retailers there is demand for US products and we are willing to pay more for them. Therefore, the retailer can charge more for the item that he has to pay more for, preserving his profit margin. American products cannot compete on the low end. There are too many global players out there right now. US made product have to have added value to command a premium price unless we, as a nation, decide to pay more for US products. Thus far, that has not been the case. People complain about Walmart but every Walmart I drive by has a packed parking lot. Why? Because people know they will save money on the exact same products sold elsewhere when everything is added up.

BUY US and we can reverse the decline in US manufacturing by paying more for the same products we currently by from overseas manufacturers.

Bryan, do you work for Ford? ;)
fossten said:
Bryan, do you work for Ford? ;)
A couple of years ago 90% of my products were sourced here in the US. Now it is under 50%. Why? Because people want to pay the lowest price. Period. We all bi t ch about jobs going overseas but we are doing it to ourselves with our purchasing habits and the burdensome government regulations we have to deal with.

Chew on this.

I looked at the bankruptcy filing for Dephi. When all expenses are added up relating to worker compensation which includes time on the job, vacation pay, benefits and retirement, the average wage at Delphi worked out to be $100/hr. And people wonder why we are losing manufacturing jobs. People don't have a clue. The rest of the world has caught up and in our future we will be falling farther and farther behind. Our public school system is broke and we are churning out kids who can't read or write but sure know how to unroll a condom. Go figure.
MonsterMark said:
A couple of years ago 90% of my products were sourced here in the US. Now it is under 50%. ...

So, it's your fault then...

How are american consumers going to buy american if american sellers don't have american products?

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