upconversion question


New LVC Member
Apr 12, 2005
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i would like to know if it is possible to convert the front of a 2001 towncar into the 2004 ones
Keep in mind that the Town Car only has rear air suspension. You could swap the coil springs from a '94 if you wanted,....but why would you want to? Is the front of your car riding low? A Town Car low in the front is a telltale sign of age. Just replace the coil springs with what the car calls for and have the front end aligned.
no , it cant be done. the newer suspension is a complete bolt on.the complete suspension is all made into one easy assy. your car has the upper and lower control arm brackets welded to the frame.
what i meant was purely cosmetic. im looking into buying a 1999-2002 towncar but i want it to look like the 2004. by looking at the 2004 it looks like all i need is a hood, lights, bumper and maybee a new radiator support .

i was wondering if it is possible or if anyone ever tried
towncarblue said:
what i meant was purely cosmetic. im looking into buying a 1999-2002 towncar but i want it to look like the 2004. by looking at the 2004 it looks like all i need is a hood, lights, bumper and maybee a new radiator support .

i was wondering if it is possible or if anyone ever tried

I believe that the fenders are different as well. It would be a very difficult and long draw out process, you are better off waiting to get the newer model. Unless your car is junking out right now.

TownCar97 :L
TownCar97 said:
I believe that the fenders are different as well. It would be a very difficult and long draw out process, you are better off waiting to get the newer model. Unless your car is junking out right now.

TownCar97 :L

It's not that bad and drawn out... You just gotta do your homework and make sure the parts have the same mounting holes... Mine is a 92 TC with a 97 front end... The only thing that needed to be replaced was the front bumper, bumper mounts, headlights, and grill... My car wasn't wrecked, just wanted an updated front end...

You can do it, but like I said, do your homework and make sure the mounting holes match...
You need 03+ fenders, hood, grille, header panel, bumper cover, bumper cover reinforcement, head lamps, side marker lamps.
Most parts will swap right over, but you need all of them. Only one that might give you trouble is header panel.

I'd just look for an 03-
dude, thats a pretty serious change over. . . I'm with the other guys. . . just buy an 03 and up. You're only looking at a thousand or so extra cost to buy the newer car. . . which is about what you'll spend in parts, and lets just forget about the labor to mount and paint match (because even off the same color car it won't be perfect) the new parts.

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