Update: Toby the Bunny


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Remember Toby the Bunny? Toby is the cute little bunny that some putz is threatening to kill and eat if he doesnt get $50,000 in donations. (see http://www.savetoby.com)

Here is an update. Good news - Paypal has suspended the guys account.

Email this idiot and let hm know how big of an ass he is. support@savetoby.com

Thank God, that guy is a total Ass hole. I don't know why paypal didn't suspend the account sooner. Goes to show you what kind of world we live in today. :soapbox:
your just jealous cause you didn't think of it, I say more power to him if he can do it. there's nothing illegal with eating a rabbit, is there? at least he was trying to give it a chance :N
i wrote an email yelling at the d-bag that wants to save the rabbit. Its rediclious. A rabbit is a RODENT! Im sure if this dude were going to eat a rat, you guys would donate every spare dime to see that. Since its a cute fuzzy little bunny, NO ITS BAD. People eat rabbit every day. Im proud to be an american when i see somthing like this. This guy is probabily one of the most intelligant people in america. He knows that this is not illegal, as say eating a cat or dog would be, and he knows that leftist animal lovers will come out in droves to pay to not see this rabbit get harmed. You know what, that guy who is saving the rabbit is the guy you should be going after. He promiaces, for $30,000 to go after the rabbits owner, and i think it was castrate him? Dont tell me you honestly think he will do anything of the sort. Hes getting money to lie to your face.

btw, i hit 4 cute fuzzy bunnie wabbits yesterday with my car.
Actually - I think the whole thing is a scam - and the SaveToby site is the same guy trying to get more money now that paypal suspended his other acct.
Joeychgo said:
Actually - I think the whole thing is a scam - and the SaveToby site is the same guy trying to get more money now that paypal suspended his other acct.

that would be great, like I said, more power to him if he can get away with it, nothing illegal, just taking advantage of stupid people. Happens all the time in the real world!
Thats exactly why hes an ass hole, people eat rabbits, nothing wrong with killin it for food. But using it to get money, it worked but I still think it's stupid. :rolleyes:
Here is an update. Good news - Paypal has suspended the guys account.

Now he's probably gonna eat him. Paypal, you evil murderers! :gr_devil:
"shh, be berry berry quiet, im hunting wabbits, hehehehe"
OK rabbit Is good as hell. The best small game out there for my money (shot shell HAHA)
Hell ya I say eat it, any way
Jibit said:
that would be great, like I said, more power to him if he can get away with it, nothing illegal, just taking advantage of stupid people. Happens all the time in the real world!

Well Bush did it! "taking advantage of stupid people" Oops sorry wrong forum! I'll take that comment back and save it for Bryan in the Political forum!

Anyway there are many ways to eat a rabbit!

I don't agree with this guy doing what he did, but if you are dumb enough to send him money then hey did he scam you!

Remember when Oral Roberts said that God was going to Kill him if he didn't raise umteen million dollars to cover the cost of his debt!

A bunch of dump people sent him the money!!

Must be a conservative thing! Oops wrong forum again sorry!! I'll recant that statement! Sorry again Bryan!

So do you have your campsite already?
That guy is just a sad, strange little sack of $hit who's trying to get away with not working for a living... I bet he IS both guys like Joey said, he's probably got multiple personalities and LOTS of other problems. Normal people don't just do that kinda crap. I'm not against killing rabbits or any other animals, but this guy is just plain retarded. What happened to the pic with the smiley smackin the other smiley in the face????? I'll just use this............... Toby's owner----> :bash: <----ME

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