Uptight people


Dedicated LVC Member
May 18, 2006
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Man, the people over (by people I mean mods and whatnot) at markviii.org are uptight as hell. They suspended my posting privelages for a week for saying sh1t. And told me I was rude to other posters in my responses. Well dayum, man, at least I responded. What gets me is the number of posts over there is like next to none and I try and get some info from the ones there who are smart and get banned for such a nothing issue. God that kinda stuff just pisses me off. Its the real world people, this isn't 1950 we don't walk around being all nice and talking like 4 years old. Get in the real world!

Rant over
I got banned form there because, get this....my signature was too long. And it's not like it had any pics in it...it was all text.
and no notice that you get banned, you just suddenly can't log in. You have to mail the admin to find out why you got banned?!? It stilll bugs the :q:q:q:q out of me though, one guy had responded to a question and I needed to ask him one more thing and now I have to sit on my hands for a week and wait cause of a jackass on a power trip.
I very rarly go there and post but I told somone the were wrong I said (your wrong) and posted the correct info then they deleted it
I have never heard anything negative about the .org site... :eek: :rolleyes:

Lol... Well it is ok you will just have to hangout here more, its a lot nicer
We are all very lucky to have LvC. Don't even get me started on the recent events that have occurred on that "other" site.
i got suspended because someone was selling a " mint " white 96 lsc with no problems, yet he posted a picture of the car with the rear air ride slammed and the hid lense on the driverside was full of water, so i called him out on it and got suspended, then i was on probation and could only post in certain topics, well i put a link to the death of evel kenevil in anything goes and i got permant banned from there. thats ok, Cal wants everyone to kiss his azz over there and i dont do that, that site is falling apart anyway, its only a matter of time before he takes it down.
Well at least I know it isn't just me. I ain't kissin anyones ass to use their site. As far as I am concerned the site is dead. They got mad cause some idiot said he was sellin his lincoln for an all electric M8 or something or other and was braggin about the 0-60 and HP numbers and I said, well then lets race 400 miles and see who wins......oh yeah, full electrics can't go that far:eek:

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