urgent! sensor lowering Q!!!

Not necessary to sensor lower ! It will slip out with a little pressure !

Good Luck,
You don't. The line ought to bend slightly to get it at the desired hieght. You can see in this pic. that it is left intact and is bend. (kinda)

well i need to get the bracket out to drill new holes right? Well how does the line thing come off in order to put the part on a drill press?
you can drill it right on the car. I didn't just drill a new hole, I used a dremel and a metal trimming bit to make a slot so the car can easily be positioned at any height. The brake line will give plenty to do this.
Just becareful of whats on the other side of the engine bay when you drill the bracket in place. There was nothing in the way on my '97. But who knows?
Well, I have a sh1tty dremel, so I put a dremel bit on my high speed hand drill after I drilled the hole and elongated it slightly. Im happy with the result, the car is lowered a minimal amount, but its right where I want it.

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