US arming Saddam Loyalists!!!! Iraq has come full circle now!!


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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You Guy in charge is clueless!!!! First you arm Saddam and his loyalists to fight Iran. Then you decide you hate Saddam and his loyalist, so you invade the country and disarm them. Now because of the war and a vacuum of power, Al-Queda has a significant presence. So now you guys like the loyalist again and are arming them. You guys are lost....

What's next? Paying and arming Bin Laden to fight Iran???
You Guy in charge is clueless!!!! First you arm Saddam and his loyalists to fight Iran. Then you decide you hate Saddam and his loyalist, so you invade the country and disarm them. Now because of the war and a vacuum of power, Al-Queda has a significant presence. So now you guys like the loyalist again and are arming them. You guys are lost....

What's next? Paying and arming Bin Laden to fight Iran???

There's still people "loyal" to Saddam? If so, we better not tell them he's dead.

I guess sometimes, the proverb "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." is correct... who would have thought.
You're over simplification demonstrates how futile it will be to discuss this issue.

The Saddam "loyalists" are better described as the Sunni minority. And, if nothing else, they are not fundamentalist Islamic. And they are not aligned with Iran.

Foreign policy has always been a sensitive, tricky endevour.

But thanks for demonstrating that Al-Queda DOES have currently have a presence in Iraq. Still in favor of an immediate withdraw?
Ultimately - we have always wanted the Sunni's in charge because Saudi is Sunni and Iran is :q:q:q:qe --

We just didnt want the Saddam tribe in charge.

Things are different over there. There is not only sunni, :q:q:q:qe and kurd, but there are tribes within those. One tribe might be US leaning, while another tribe might be against the US, and both are Sunni.

Our concern is that the Iraqi :q:q:q:qe might align with Iran someday, since Iran is :q:q:q:qe.

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