US Army Calls Tea Party 'Terrorist Threat'


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Money quote:
This week, I was contacted by a number of civilian and military personnel (enlisted and officer ranks) who expressed concern about a military exercise scenario proposed for Ft. Knox, the U.S. Bullion Depository. (For the record, I called Ft. Knox security for an official comment and received the standard reply: "We are not authorized to discuss this exercise.")

As with most such exercises, the Ft. Knox scenario outline occurred in stages, as if real time intelligence was being provided at various intervals. The first intel advisory I received was issued on Friday, 23 April 2010, and identifies the terrorist threat adversaries as "Local Militia Groups / Anti-Government Protesters / TEA Party."'d be political insensitive to identify the threat as radical Mexican nationalists.
Or Islamic fundamentalists.
Or marxists and anarchists.

The officers in the military that I know and have met tend to support limited government, so the demonization of the group has to be coming from the civilians in D.C.
Tim McVeigh showed that we do have some internal terror concerns with homegrown malcontents that need to be addressed and prepared for.

You never know when someone can go funny in the head.
They train for a worst case scenario, not to harass the typical protester
singing his protest song.
Tim McVeigh showed that we do have some internal terror concerns with homegrown malcontents that need to be addressed and prepared for.

You never know when someone can go funny in the head.
They train for a worst case scenario, not to harass the typical protester
singing his protest song.
Tim McVeigh was responding directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco. Nothing to do with the Tea Parties.

Apples and oranges.

Nice try at smearing, though.
Your article said White Supremacists/Malcontents/Tea Party

or do you think that is just a clever cover.

We're talking about being prepared for the guy who's gone a little funny
in the head not the sane rational person.
Your article said White Supremacists/Malcontents/Tea Party

or do you think that is just a clever cover.

We're talking about being prepared for the guy who's gone a little funny
in the head not the sane rational person.
There's no indication that Tea Partiers should be included in any threat list whatsoever.
Although we're talking about the army here this is a law enforcement type thing and law enforcement in this country is usually a lot more ham handed than not.
The police are "stupid" and only know what someone tells them.

There hasn't been any violence yet but with some of the fringe protesters beclowning themselves painting Obama as Hitler and such there's a fear misplaced or not that somebody may decide to be a "hero" so they don't want to take any chances.
Although we're talking about the army here this is a law enforcement type thing and law enforcement in this country is usually a lot more ham handed than not.
The police are "stupid" and only know what someone tells them.

There hasn't been any violence yet but with some of the fringe protesters beclowning themselves painting Obama as Hitler and such there's a fear misplaced or not that somebody may decide to be a "hero" so they don't want to take any chances.
So, your reasoning is that because somebody had a Hitler painting, a person might be violent so the Tea Partiers should be labeled as terrorists? You actually agree with this reasoning?

Brilliant. :rolleyes:

You will also recall that it is OBAMA who has called the police stupid, nobody else.
What about groups like ELF?
Groups that actually blow up radio towers, destroy car dealerships, threaten scientists with violence, and break into university and release diseased animals into the population.

Why aren't the black panthers on the list?

Again, these pronouncements are both about the view of the administation on these street level protesters, but more importantly, it's an effort to implant, establish, and reinforce the perception that these people, our neighbors and co-workers, are something violent and dangerous. It's an effort to isolate them so more people don't associate with them, it's to antagonize them, and it's an effort to blame them for any violence in the future.

In the meantime, let's look at the peaceful protests by the aliens in California, Arizona, and Texas this week.

Maybe they'll include La Raza on the next list?
Not likely.
So, your reasoning is that because somebody had a Hitler painting, a person might be violent so the Tea Partiers should be labeled as terrorists? You actually agree with this reasoning?

Brilliant. :rolleyes:

You will also recall that it is OBAMA who has called the police stupid, nobody else.

The police can be a pretty blunt instrument and some police work can best be described as "unpleasant"

Obama was refering to his buddy getting razzed in front of his own house
because someone called the cops reporting suspicious activity and his buddy got "uppity" instead of swallowing his pride and not taking it personally.
Some cops can be pretty thick.
About 10 years ago I came in on a saturday to my shop and left the door not quite shut.
Nextr thing I know some uniformed local cop is in my door treating me with suspicion.
Once I informed him I was the owner he got nice then asked me to buy some tickets to the police picnic for 50.00.
I paid him the money for his tickets as I knew I would be inviting trouble if I turned him down.
But I still felt it was pretty dense and totally out of place for a uniformed police officer on official business to be hitting up people for money for police charity.
When I said law enforcement is "stupid" I mean't it as uninformed generally unless someone tells them something.

It's also not like the government or FBI has never spyed on and treated with suspicion people on the left and otherwise for no apparent reason.

The Tea Party is where some action is right now so it brings out the scrutiny and suspicion.'d be political insensitive to identify the threat as radical Mexican nationalists.
Or Islamic fundamentalists.
Or marxists and anarchists.

The officers in the military that I know and have met tend to support limited government, so the demonization of the group has to be coming from the civilians in D.C.

Cal - from Foss's article... Not from DC but from a local officer...

This is neither a retraction nor correction, but supplemental information regarding my essay, Army Preps for Tea Party 'Terrorists.' I was contacted by senior Command staff at Ft. Knox on the afternoon of the date of publication. They confirmed that there was a security exercise at Ft. Knox this week, and that an officer in the security loop altered the scenario "in order to make it more realistic." Those alterations were described in my essay, exactly as they were circulated at Ft. Knox. The Command staff informed me that the alterations were not approved at the Command level and that the individual who circulated the scenario through official channels will "receive appropriate counsel." The facts are, the scenario was written, it was circulated for the exercise among both military and civilian participants, and the officer who authored it is now subject to discipline. Further, Command staff at Ft. Knox have provided assurances this type of scenario would not find its way into official circulation again.
cal - from foss's article... Not from dc but from a local officer...

It was a training exercise! The "officer" that made the OPORD is in big trouble for what? Most of the training doctrine are made by civilians.
pretty soon, just disagreeing with the gov't will be considered a "terrorist threat" communism here we come.
I think I said earlier that most of the Officer's support the spirit of the "tea party' movement, I expect such things to come from the D.C. civilian bureaucrats that are ruining Northern Virginia.

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