US Immigration policy is make believe


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Why we don't simply shut out illegal immigrants

Published May 11, 2005 (Clarence Page)

WASHINGTON -- Leave it to the nation's most famous immigrant governor to trip himself up over the issue of immigration.

In a recent policy speech to newspaper publishers gathered in San Francisco, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger prescribed an unintentionally inflammatory remedy for illegal immigration: "Close the borders. Close the borders in California and all across Mexico and the United States."

When the stuff later hit the fan, particularly in California's immigrant communities, Ah-nuld clarified that he meant "secure the borders," a politically safe position these days for politicians as diverse as President Bush and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.).

Yet if stopping illegals, whether at the border or in the workplace, is such a politically safe position, why can't Congress and the White House do more to secure the borders?

The answer seems to be a variation of what Pogo, the cartoon possum, famously said about meeting the enemy: We have met the open-borders crowd and they are us.

"This country has become hooked on cheap labor," Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, said when Fox News Channel talk-show host Bill O'Reilly recently asked why Congress doesn't order the president to secure our borders. "A lot of pressure is put on individual congresspeople to not do anything about the borders for fear of impeding the flow of cheap labor."

Tancredo is on the right track, but I would go a step further: Employers--from factory owners to large-scale vegetable farmers to families seeking a nanny or a gardener--want the cheapest labor they can get. The problem is that Americans are not hooked on cheap labor as much as they are devoted to cheap prices.

Ask people whether they favor a "fair living wage" for everyone and most would probably applaud. Ask those same people if they want cheaper prices, no matter what the workers who produce the desired goods or services are paid, and the applause may be more muted, but it will be there.

Illegal immigration is attractive because cheaper labor leads to cheaper prices for goods or services.

Bush and others refer, for example, to "jobs that Americans don't want." More Americans might want those jobs held by illegal immigrants if the jobs paid more. But that would mean higher costs passed on to consumers who would rather not pay more for T-shirts or fresh produce.

And cost-of-living problems for low-wage workers are getting worse as the federal government argues about the future of Social Security and does nothing about the immediate problems of shrinking medical coverage and rising health-care costs.

Since politicians don't get many votes by telling us that our salaries are too high, the pols instead are promising us that they will protect us from "illegal aliens" hellbent on taking our jobs and from runaway employers who are outsourcing our jobs overseas.

Yet even with post-Sept. 11, 2001, concerns about possible terrorist infiltration, serious border-security measures are having a tough time getting through Congress. In addition, Bush seems more eager to talk about amnesty programs than border security.

Schwarzenegger felt safe enough a week after his border flap to praise border Minutemen, armed volunteers who set up their lawn chairs, sport-utility vehicles, coolers, walkie-talkies, binoculars and sunscreen in Cochise County, Ariz., to patrol a 23-mile stretch of the nation's most penetrated border. Bush called the Minutemen "vigilantes," but Schwarzenegger was downright congratulatory. "They've done a terrific job," he said. "They have cut down the crossing of illegal immigrants by a huge percentage."

The Minuteman craze probably will blow over and illegal migration will continue. The federal government estimates that a million migrants cross the Mexican border illegally each year. Other immigrants who want to remain in America just overstay their visas.

Our immigration policy, then, is largely make-believe.

We need low-wage workers, so the notion of real immigration enforcement gets a wink and nod. Sanctions against employing undocumented workers are barely enforced. Honest employers run up against a sophisticated industry of counterfeit document producers and, besides, politicians are reluctant to offend employers who make campaign contributions.

For now, we will continue to play the cat-and-mouse game of chasing a few illegals across the desert. We have an enforceable immigration policy. Maybe someday Washington will enforce it. Until then, it's easy to blame illegal immigrants for doing what we invited them to do, come and find work.

I think you did a teriffic job of explaining the problem.
Unfortunately, you and no one except Bill O' riellyand myself have offered a viable solution to the influx of illegals comming in , mostly from our southern border.
Let's just go back to a couple of the points you made.
Americans won't work for those low wages and if they worked for higher wages, the cost would be passed on to the consumer.
This is true, but who do you think is paying for the welfare, free housing, free medical,food stamps, incarseration, and many other things these illegals are getting?
John Q. public, that's who.
We either pay it in higher prices in the market, or we pay it in higher cost in taxes to support these free programs for illegals.
Mr. O"Rielly says, "put the national guard on the border".
I agree with this but would take it a step further.
First, I would take down that stupid wall that resembles a ladder.
Why in God's name didn't they install a smooth surface wall instead of one that can be climbed like a ladder?
Next, and this is the most important deterrant to keeping illegals in their own country.
I would have our government erect bill boards along the border, every 1/4mile, facing the mexican side stating in spanish, in big, bold, red letters, "IF YOU ENTER THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY, YOU WILL BE SHOT DEAD ON THE SPOT, AND GO HOME IN A BODY BAG. "DO YOU WANT TO RISK IT"?
I think if you blast enough of them, the rest will get the message.
If they want to come to this country so bad, let them do what my farther did.
My farther applied for citizenship, studied the laws of this country then, took the test to become a citizen.
If it was good enough for him, and millions of others, then it should be good enough for these low lifes.
I have no sympathy for these law breakers
Shoot the bastards and let those being sent back in body bags , be an example to those fools stupid enought to go up against the national guard.
The border patrol is a joke.
What this country needs is some politicians with balls and a formidable national guard to finally solve this illegal immigration problem
Kissin ass will never solve the problem.
I pray for the day Arnold will put the guard on our California border.
:I ........ to a point. While that solution would help enforce the idea of "only legal immagrants allowed" (which I strongly advocate), the other side of that coin is that gunning down illegals at the boarder would not be "fostering a freindly relationship with our southern neighbor" (yack!, almost made myself gag typing that one). The ramifications of that would be a threat to the NAFTA agreement, which both you and I know is held dearly by our US corporations trying to make a buck, and by all the politicians who were bought and paid by those corporations. I find it interesting that one of the NAFTA promises was to relieve the problem of illegal immagrants by moving the jobs across the boarder, yet the reality of it is that those jobs pay so little there is still a strong attraction to better paying jobs on US soil.

There is no easy solution, but it will definately take politicians w/ some balls to stand up to NAFTA, and probably a "paradigm shift" in the US consumer's thinking regarding low prices on foreign goods. One thing is for sure, nothing in life is free. It will cost the american people $$ somewhere to stop this bleeding.

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