Using 03 headlights on an '01? Angel Eyes?


New LVC Member
Oct 7, 2008
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I recently wrecked my LS, so I figured now would be the time to update my headlights. What's the deal with using the 03 model headlights on my 2001? If that won't work, then does anyone know where I can get some angeleye lights or some other nicer headlights?
this has been covered but let me brief you regardless. yes the gen 2 lights can be made to fit. you will need to buy other parts as well such as the bracket and also some harness i believe which is not plug and play. you can also put angel eyes on the gen 2's but it is a PITA from what i've read. the gen 1's are not nearly as difficult. you can pick up a pair of gen one headlights for about $100 bucks new on ebay. just search posts started by me, can't remember what it was titled though. good luck with your venture
this has been covered but let me brief you regardless. yes the gen 2 lights can be made to fit. you will need to buy other parts as well such as the bracket and also some harness i believe which is not plug and play. you can also put angel eyes on the gen 2's but it is a PITA from what i've read. the gen 1's are not nearly as difficult. you can pick up a pair of gen one headlights for about $100 bucks new on ebay. just search posts started by me, can't remember what it was titled though. good luck with your venture

The guy that sold the $100 headlights no longer sells them, believe me I've been trying to get a pair
aww that sucks man. those lights are great and the gray sealant is easy to take apart. i kept telling people to buy them
Yes, but his grey sealant wasnt the same as Fords. Some members said his grey sealant wouldnt come apart.
I got the other gray sealant off. It's just a different method - just very careful and patient about it though.

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