Using SST?

Jesus A Rodriguez

Active LVC Member
May 15, 2014
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I never drove stick before. Do you need to have stick experience to use the sst. I never used it since I bought my 04 V8 sport and been dying to.
Not at all. If you can move the stick forward and backward you're good to go. You'll get all the experience you need with messing with it.

Please note: No nose picking, nor playing pocket pool, while in SST mode.​
Do note that the PCM won't do much to protect the engine or the transmission in that mode, so don't get too crazy with it for too long. (Example: stay is 1st or 2nd at 6K RPM for ten minutes)

I've only really used it in the mountains to avoid riding the brakes.
i use it on my 00' model all the time when i autocross a few roads going to
the shop.

wish the sst on this car did what it did on my g8 gt and rev matched on upshifts. was really nice, and didnt upset the car at all. the ls sst is pretty old style.
I use mine to assist engine braking when I know I'll be turning off the highway or I see traffic up ahead. I also use it when approaching an upgrade when driving on back roads.

I do not overuse it.

It was very handy driving down the Mt Washington, New Hampshire, auto road in my 03 TBird.
Also don't downshift when redlining. With that said, don't redline :D

A few members on here have blown their engines doing so.
Also don't downshift when redlining. With that said, don't redline :D

A few members on here have blown their engines doing so.

I could never figure out why the TBird did not have a redline mark on the tach.

Probably a cost saving measure. (joke)
Also don't downshift when redlining. With that said, don't redline :D

A few members on here have blown their engines doing so.

Were they redlining and THEN downshifted?

what is the advantage using sst?


Advantage? More control over the engine's output. Situations I like to use it:

Engine braking

"preloading" a gear to give me acceleration without waiting for the downshift, such as jumping lanes in traffic

Holding a gear in a turn for a constant speed for a faster exit

Messing around in the wookie-sound zone (Gen 1 V8 with aftermarket intake tube, ~3000-4000 RPM)

Pretending to racecar

As far as downshifts and redlining goes, if coming to a stop with engine braking, I use a loose 20mph X Gear number rule. I'll downshift only when the speed is 20x the lower gear's number. 5th>4th at under 80mph, 4th-3rd under 60. 3rd>2nd is a little different; I try to keep that under 35 because 2nd is geared weirdly high. I don't normally use 1st because I have a Gen 1 that partially locks out 1st. This all keeps the engine speed under 3000RPM generally. When it comes to mashing the throttle and then downshifting, I believe the computer will keep things safe.

There's really no major advantage though. It's a bit of a novelty. It's much better than say, SST in an Escape, where pressing the button only suggests a gear shift. The LS does a decent job of converting your command to an action, but it is still an automatic transmission. It's no sequential gearbox.
Were they redlining...

Iirc, yes. On The post i was reading, the member downshifted and blew the engine. He claimed to have gone past the 7k mark on the gauge cluster as he did so. Im still looking for the post; ill link to it once i do.

Edit: turns out it wasnt a downshift, he geard out into neutral.

Post is here:
I can almost remember the days of double clutching and power shifting stick shift cars.


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