V.P. Candidate Files Lawsuit Against Obama


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vice presidential Candidate filing lawsuit against Obama

Contact: Steve Marquis
Telephone Number: 425-698-7084
Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org
Web site address: http://peoplespassions.org

Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com

Vice presidential Candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. to file in court asking to
de-certify Barack Obama because he has refused to release proof of being a Natural Born Citizen, thereby disqualifying Obama in his bid for the Office of President.

The recent Lawsuit in Washington State demanding their Secretary of State to vet the citizenship credentials of Barack Obama has spawned a slew of similar suits with new lawsuits filed and/or prepared in WA, FL, NC, CO, CA, OH, FL, CT, GA, TX, MI. Related lawsuits HI, US District.

As part of this effort, this group of citizens from states across the union made an outreach to the whole presidential slate asking each candidate for president and vice president to offer up a certified copy of their birth certificates and any related candidate declarations to be placed in a library made available to the public via a non-partisan web site.

At least one VP candidate Wiley S. Drake Sr. went the next step and agreed to file a lawsuit of his own to demand the disqualification of Barack Obama unless he can prove status as a ”Natural Born Citizen” as the constitution and federal statues demand and define.

In another unrelated action, though also aimed at forcing Obama to release proof or step down, 24 potential Electoral College electors are filing action Monday morning in court also demanding proof. A call is herein being issued to any elector in any state, especially democrat electors who would like to join that effort. Electors interested in adding their name to this lawsuit can contact Mr. Marquis who will put you in contact with the attorney handling that case.

Contact: Steve Marquis
Telephone Number: 425-698-7084
Email Address: peoplesvoice@peoplespassions.org

Wiley S. Drake, Sr. wileydrake@hotmail.com

Obama will be disqualified, either on election day or before the inauguration.
Like I said from DAY ONE .... Obama is Unelectable

Thats ok, Then you get Joe Biden...


This is so silly. If there was anything to it the Republicans would have picked up on it, or Hillary. Its a non starter. Courts have dismissed this lawsuit in other states several times.

Come on man, get it together Bryan, your losing it. You had your 8 years of GW - now its time to pay the piper. People want a change, and McCain isnt enough of a change. You can blame yourself - GW for 8 years has now given you the liklihood of Obama.
The Rumor: Barack Obama isn't a citizen, suggested bloggers at the Free Republic Web site. Or if he is, he's hiding his birth certificate for some mysterious reason. Or if he's shared his birth certificate, it's a fake because he's lying about who his real father is. New iterations on this theme pop up almost everyday at various Web sites.
The Facts: Obama plainly is a citizen because he was born in the U.S. In response to the allegations, Obama's campaign in June posted the Illinois senator's birth certificate on his campaign Web site, http://fightthesmears.com/articles/5/birthcertificate. The nonpartisan Web site Factcheck.org examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document. On Friday, officials in Hawaii said they had personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate. Judges in Washington state, Ohio and Pennsylvania have dismissed lawsuits challenging his citizenship.
The Rumor: Barack Obama isn't a citizen, suggested bloggers at the Free Republic Web site. Or if he is, he's hiding his birth certificate for some mysterious reason. Or if he's shared his birth certificate, it's a fake because he's lying about who his real father is. New iterations on this theme pop up almost everyday at various Web sites.
The Facts: Obama plainly is a citizen because he was born in the U.S. In response to the allegations, Obama's campaign in June posted the Illinois senator's birth certificate on his campaign Web site, http://fightthesmears.com/articles/5/birthcertificate. The nonpartisan Web site Factcheck.org examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document. On Friday, officials in Hawaii said they had personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate. Judges in Washington state, Ohio and Pennsylvania have dismissed lawsuits challenging his citizenship.
There are some things wrong with your "facts."

1. The document on fightthesmears has been shown to be a fraud, that's why they altered it.

2. Factcheck.org has been discredited as an accurate source for fact checking.

3. The cases were dismissed due to procedural issues, not because the case has no merit.
Thats ok, Then you get Joe Biden...
Is that a threat? :p

This is so silly. If there was anything to it the Republicans would have picked up on it, or Hillary. Its a non starter. Courts have dismissed this lawsuit in other states several times.
And why have they tossed the suits? For "Lack of Standing". Which is B.S. Now we have a person suing who has "Standing".

People want a change, and McCain isnt enough of a change.
The last 8 years were great for me and 90% of the people in this Country that worked for it.

People want a change". That is the most laughable line in this election. Change to what? Oh, it doesn't matter, just change. LMAO. This Country needs to get its ass kicked again. We need a full-blown recession, loss of jobs, and crisis after crisis to knock down the stupid people that wanted change.

You can blame yourself - GW for 8 years has now given you the liklihood of Obama.
Ouside of Obama destroying the Supreme Court, Federal Courts, State Courts, instituting a 'national security force', chasing the money and investment out of this country, blah, blah, blah, everything will be fine.

Joey, you want change, if Obams wins, you'll get it. After 4 years of Obama, this country will yank so hard right you'll get whiplash.

You're the one that has to live with your choice of Obama. I've slept great the past 7 years after 9/11. We'll see how you sleep.
There are some things wrong with your "facts."

1. The document on fightthesmears has been shown to be a fraud, that's why they altered it. And "fightthesmears"(Obama) has claimed it to be his 'original' BC. So how come Hawaii says they have it?
2. Factcheck.org has been discredited as an accurate source for fact checking. (Ya gotta love how they always toss the "non-partisan" part in there.)
3. The cases were dismissed due to procedural issues, not because the case has no merit. Yep, they were tossed for no standing. B.S. excuse.

My thoughts in blue.
The Facts: Obama plainly is a citizen because he was born in the U.S. In response to the allegations, Obama's campaign in June posted the Illinois senator's birth certificate on his campaign Web site,
It is more probable that Obama was born in Africa and was registered in Hawaii. Then he was adopted and became a U.S. citizen. Then Obama Sr. showed up 10 years later to help momma Obama wins the custody case over Soetoro. Obama Sr. probably coughed up Obama's African B.C. to prove his case.

If Obama wins, it is a long way to the inauguration. Plenty of time to expose this fool.
And of course, all this speculation could have been avoided had he just coughed up his "original" B.C. listing hospital, etc.
Here is what Kenya thought about Obama sticking his nose into their business back in '06..


Senator Barack Obama indicated that he was visiting Africa to help nurture relations between the continent and the United States. His mission, therefore, was warmly welcomed by the Government and the people of Kenya. The fact that he has roots in Kenya endeared him to the people of this country.

However, during his public address at the University of Nairobi, Senator Obama made extremely disturbing statements on issues which it is clear, he was very poorly informed, and on which he chose to lecture the Government and the people of Kenya on how to manage our country.

We would like to make the following facts clear:

a) Kenya is no less vulnerable to terrorism than the United States or any other country. Kenya has in the past suffered incidents of terrorism because of our friendship with the United States and not because as a people, we are less efficient in the management of our security. Indeed, his own country and other countries with higher levels of development, have had more incidences of terrorism despite their sophisticated security systems. Therefore, blaming terrorist attacks in Kenya on possible corruption is highly misplaced and insincere. Using his logic, then, it follows that the terrorist attacks in the United States and other countries are as a result of corrupt border and customs police in his own country and other countries which have experienced incidents of terrorism.

b) The allegation that wanted Rwandese genocide fugitive Felicen Kabuga may have purchased safe haven in Kenya is an insult to the people of this country and negates the fact that Kenya, Rwanda and the United Nations have an excellent track record in collaboration in the search and apprehending of Rwandese suspects. This country has turned over to the United Nations Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda the highest number of genocidal suspects for trial. For that reason also, this country cannot be a safe haven for any genocide suspect and especially Kabuga. If it was an issue of corruption money, as Senator Obama states, then the bounty of US$5 million (Kshs 365 million) being offered by the United States for the apprehension of Kabuga, would be irresistible to the alleged corrupt police. If anybody knows where Kabuga is, this Government would like to know so that we can apprehend him immediately and hand him over to the tribunal.

c) Senator Obama enjoyed the vibrant freedom of expression and wide democratic space existing in this country, during his tour. Instead of acknowledging this big leap in this country, he chose to dwell on none issues as far as the governance of this country is concerned. He ignored the fact that strengthening of democracy and institutions of Governance has been the strongest thrust of this Government. Today, every Kenyan can openly talk about and address issues of corruption without fear and associate himself or herself to any political party he or she chooses. Bold decisions have made to bring down the rate of corruption with great success. For example, the success in our fighting corruption is evidenced by the fact that Kenya is one of the best performing countries in Africa in the collection of public revenue and the economy has had a turn-around from near zero percent (0%), three years ago, to about six percent (6%) economic growth today. This cannot be achieved in a country, which Senator Obama says, is experiencing a “corruption crisis.”

d) Senator Obama also trivialized the harmony and peaceful co-existence that exists between different ethnic groups and races that live in this country, and chose to magnify tribalism as a major problem in this country.

During Senator Obama’s visit, the Government spared no effort in making his stay and travel all over the country enjoyable and fulfilling. Senator Barack Obama is welcome to come again to learn more about the country, the Government and the people of this country.

Dr. Alfred N. Mutua

August 31, 2006
People want a change". That is the most laughable line in this election. Change to what? Oh, it doesn't matter, just change. LMAO. This Country needs to get its ass kicked again. We need a full-blown recession, loss of jobs, and crisis after crisis to knock down the stupid people that wanted change.

It seems you havent been outside much.. Let me bring you up to speed as to whats been going on lately.
  • We have a full blown recession
  • We've had loss of jobs
  • People have a hard time holding on to their homes
  • People have lost alot of their retirement accounts / 401ks
  • Housing values are in the toilet
  • Stock Market prices are in the toilet
  • Credit is very hard to get, for both businesses and individuals

So, we're already there bryan - which is why people want change.
It seems you havent been outside much.. Let me bring you up to speed as to whats been going on lately.
  • We have a full blown recession
  • We've had loss of jobs
  • People have a hard time holding on to their homes
  • People have lost alot of their retirement accounts / 401ks
  • Housing values are in the toilet
  • Stock Market prices are in the toilet
  • Credit is very hard to get, for both businesses and individuals

So, we're already there bryan - which is why people want change.

It's funny- you've been making the same claims for seven years now...

Obama's running on a platform of change, but he's not actually representing anything associated with change. Change apparently means engaging in the same federal policies that have caused our problems. Change means continuing to increase our individual dependence on the federal government. Change means expanding the size and role of the federal government. Change means more aggressive programs designed to redistribute wealth (at the hands of the federal government.) It's interesting, change is adopting and expanding the failed programs of the 30s and 60s that have gotten us into this mess.

If you want change, let's try less government, less dependence, and more freedom. That'd be a fresh change for the 21st century.
It's funny- you've been making the same claims for seven years now...

Actually, since I started LVC in March of 2004, I couldnt have been making these claims here for 7 years.

As far as redistributing wealth.. Your smart enough to realize that all government does is redistribute wealth.

I dont have kids, but I pay for schools so others who do can have their kids educated. Same with College money from taxes. My kids arent getting any grants, because I dont have kids.

I could go on... But I dont need to. You know I'm right.

What you really take issue with is the manner in which the wealth is redistributed. Now, speak of it that way, and I will have respect for you.

What I dont like are these BS talking points and catch phrases which are only meant to scare people and distort the facts. I found it laughable to hear people call Obama a socialist when GW was pushing to spend $700B+ to bail out banks. Thats not socialistic? Please. Want to talk about less government? Talk to GW. He has been pushing more government for awhile now.

The reason the republicans have been takng such a beating at the polls is because they have lost their way. There were once for fiscal conservatism, but the last 7 years has changed that. They were once for less government, but the last 7 years has changed that.

They still talk the talk, but they dont walk the walk.
Joe Biden is a US BORN CITIZEN! That's what matters here. Obama is a fraud.

Democrat or Republican, who cares as long as they are LEGALY running for president! Then let the people decide.
It seems you havent been outside much.. Let me bring you up to speed as to whats been going on lately.
  • We have a full blown recession No, we've had 1 Qtr of negative growth; a -.3% to be exact.
  • We've had loss of jobs Oh really. The last 2 months. How 'bout the job gains the past 6 years.
  • People have a hard time holding on to their homes Because they took a 2 or 3 year adjustable mortgage at 1%. Somehow that is Bush's fault
  • People have lost alot of their retirement accounts / 401ks First true statement you've made
  • Housing values are in the toilet
  • Stock Market prices are in the toilet 2nd true statement. But I see you don't have any idea who caused it.
  • Credit is very hard to get, for both businesses and individuals
Yep, but somehow the government is the going to be the solution?

So, we're already there bryan - which is why people want change. Oh, they are going to get 'change' alright.
Don't any of you think if there were any validity to this court crap, the news media would be all over it like fleas on a dog.
I don't know what the motive is behind it, but iobviously someone is getting their jollies printing this crap.
Actually, since I started LVC in March of 2004, I couldnt have been making these claims here for 7 years.
So you weren't making those claims before that? I doubt that. You're not going to score a technical point on that one.

As far as redistributing wealth.. Your smart enough to realize that all government does is redistribute wealth.
I am smart enough to know what government does and what it can do, redistribution of wealth doesn't need to be one of it's roles. More importantly, it should never be the priority.

I could go on... But I dont need to. You know I'm right.
You could go on, but you'd only continue to demonstrate how wrong you are.

What I dont like are these BS talking points and catch phrases which are only meant to scare people and distort the facts. I found it laughable to hear people call Obama a socialist when GW was pushing to spend $700B+ to bail out banks. Thats not socialistic? Please. Want to talk about less government? Talk to GW. He has been pushing more government for awhile now.
You keep repeating this like it's profound, like you're pretending to have an original political thought. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

First, is your argument that since the government is engaged in this huge bail out, that you are arguing is socialist, we can no longer oppose a greater EXPANSION of these socialist policies? That's foolish. Some are convinced that a bail out of some kind was necessary and critically urgent. Some Republicans completely oppose it. Regardless, it has nothing to do with the discussion here.

The critical failure of the Bush administration and the Republican congress is that they FAILED to reduce the size and scope of government. Some of these guys governed in a way that is contrary to the core philosophy of the political party they represent.

The domestic failures of the Republicans didn't come about because they were TOO conservative. To the contrary, it's because they were too liberal. Too much government, too much spending, too much power in D.C.

The reason the republicans have been takng such a beating at the polls is because they have lost their way. There were once for fiscal conservatism, but the last 7 years has changed that. They were once for less government, but the last 7 years has changed that.

They still talk the talk, but they dont walk the walk.

Obama isn't running a campaign reducing government, reducing spending, increasing state rights and individual freedom. NO, he's running favor of all those things.
What's hypocritical is attacking the failed Republicans for the very things your are SUPPORTING Obama for!
Joeychgo said:
What I dont like are these BS talking points and catch phrases which are only meant to scare people and distort the facts. I found it laughable to hear people call Obama a socialist when GW was pushing to spend $700B+ to bail out banks. Thats not socialistic? Please. Want to talk about less government? Talk to GW. He has been pushing more government for awhile now.
How is it that you justify your vote for Obama, using this criteria? Obama wants even more socialism than the bailout created.

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