Very Imortant


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
This is very important information for the July meet!!!!

If you are intending on coming to the meet and do not want to camp in my back yard and want a motel.

Please call the Fennimore Hills motel Now!!!

My ex-in-laws use to run a motel in the area. We use to watch people being turned away on weekends in the summer because they didn't have rooms.

Motels in this area have 20 to 30 rooms. Most towns have 1 or 2 motels (these are the bid cities of 3000+ populations). The rest don't have motels and if they do they are dumps (worse than a tent in my back yard).

We would call around to area motels to find rooms for the people that were being turned away. Many times we would have to send these people 50 to 100 miles away from there destination.

Fennimore Hills Motel - 608-822-3281

$66 per room - 23 rooms all open

$117 per Suite - 7 suites

Your credit cards will not be charged until you check out!!
From chickenviii

ok here you go napps motel in fennimore just reserved mine and they said that they have other rooms avil on those dates 608-822-3226 $43.25 for 2 adults smoking and one bed $49.50 for 2 beds not too bad, and even close as long as those big wisc rats dont eat all my cheeze

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